Children In Need Fundraising

A huge thank you to everyone who bought pudsey merchandise and took part in the “How will You Roll”? event.  Along with the countryside ramble that Nursery and Reception did, we have raised £305.20 for Children In Need!  Fantastic!

School Ambassadors

Variety Show

Just wow!  Thank you to everyone who supported the PTA by attending, performing or helping back stage at the Variety Show, what a fantastic night we had!  The show raised over £500 for the PTA, huge thanks to the PTA for organising such a great event.

Swaledale have created volcano paintings inspired by Frank Bowling, a British Artist and abstract expressionist painter who uses layer of colour and texture, including found objects, to create large canvases. Aren’t these fabulous?

Author Visit – Ross Montgomery

What a fantastic day we have had with the amazing author Ross Montgomery. He really has inspired us all. We enjoyed workshops about his books – 10 Delicious Teachers, Rock Bottom and Chime Seekers. Ross has been busy signing books this afternoon.  Thank you to Ingleton Primary PTA for contributing towards this event.