Class Teacher: Miss Middleton
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Wilkinson & Mrs Tennant
Year Group(s): Year 2
Welcome to Barbondale. We are a class of 26, wonderfully polite and enthusiastic Year 2 children. Our days are full of excitement and creativity as we share our thirst for knowledge.
Our teacher is Miss Middleton. Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Tennant are out teaching assistants.
Altogether we make the Barbondale Team!
Class Teacher: Miss Middleton
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Wilkinson & Mrs Tennant
Year Group(s): Year 2
Each week, children are expected to read at home, to an adult, 3 times. If they read 4 times or more they get a ‘reading button’. Every fortnight, we count the buttons and the class with the most gets to look after the reading dog, Biscuit!
Become super whizzy with all your Times Tables by using TT Rock Stars to help you. Your log in details are in the front of your personal reading record.
Each week there will be a spelling rule for you to practise. Go to the Spelling Frame website and log in to play games, practise your spellings and earn points. Can you get on the leader board?
Autumn 1 – UK Tour
Autumn 2 – Toys
Spring 1 – Explorers
Spring 2 – .Around the World
Summer 1 – Kings and Queens
Summer 2 – Incredible Ingleton