Pupil Premium & Recovery Premium


Pupil Premium Strategy 2023/2024 (Updated Autumn 2023)

What is Pupil Premium?

It is additional funding that is given to schools so that they can support and close the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. It also supports children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces.

In the 2023/24 academic year, Ingleton Primary School has been allocated £22,140 Pupil Premium Grant. In total we have 15 pupils (8%) eligible for Pupil Premium.

The school receives £1455 per primary pupil (reception to year 6) who is currently eligible for free school meals (FSM) or has been eligible for FSM in the past 6 years. School receives £2530 for looked-after children defined in the Children Act 1989 as one who is in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, an English Local Authority.

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is not ‘ring fenced’ and schools are free to spend it as they wish but need to demonstrate that the expenditure is contributing to closing performance gaps between children who experience social disadvantage and others. The grant is intended to benefit children who are currently in school.

Our school strategy

We have high aspirations for all our pupils and use staff training opportunities and relevant research (The Teaching and Learning Toolkit at the Education Endowment Trust) to develop systems and procedures based around the notion of equity. With this in mind, interventions have focussed on removing any barriers or potential barriers to learning. We use this training and research to make informed choices about which interventions to use and when to use them. Support may take the form of additional support within lessons, targeted support as individuals or within small groups and catch-up or pre-teaching techniques. Support can be broadly organised into: welfare support, social and emotional well-being, access to wider school opportunities, individual support and group support. Details of this are explained and expanded upon in our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement.

What are the barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils?

The ability of children eligible for pupil premium varies between year group cohorts across the school. Each child eligible for pupil premium will receive some additional support during the year. At our school we have identified the following as barriers to educational achievement :

Some pupils come from homes that are unable to support a positive reading culture and do not have easy access to quality books and reading environments. This in turn impacts on reading and writing.

Children enter Nursery and Reception with aspects of development that are below age-related expectations, in particular: communication and language, understanding, speech, emotional development and physical development.

Some pupils have family issues that affect their emotional health and wellbeing.

Some pupils do not have access to additional opportunities that are needed to provide a rounded education and the characteristics that lead to successful employment in the future, e.g access to websites, opportunity to participate in residential experiences or educational visits.

What is it spent on?

In addition to pupils eligible for FSM, the governors at Ingleton Primary School have agreed that PPG should be spent on all vulnerable and/or disadvantaged pupils in school.

During the last academic year (2022-23), our school received £16,220 in total, for all eligible primary-aged pupils. We used this Pupil Premium Funding to contribute towards:

Targeted and Personal Intervention for specific children and groups of children and providing ‘booster classes’ led by a teacher

Access to a school counsellor for identified children

Teaching Assistant intervention groups to support for targeted groups of children and individual children

Resources to enable the appropriate intervention and support to be carried out effectively

Subsidies for residential and educational visits

Sports clubs

What is its impact on learning and social development?

The Headteacher evaluates the impact of the provision during each term through Pupil Progress Meetings with the class teachers. Trends and next steps are identified and actioned. Evaluations focus on academic gains, improvements in learning behaviours and how pupils’ self-confidence has developed as a consequence of the intervention. Progress reports are provided to Governors through the School Improvement Committee. Attendance is monitored by the Headteacher and is also reported to Governors.

As a result of strategically targeting the pupil premium budget on the specific needs of vulnerable pupils:

We track the impact of our provision termly.

Most vulnerable pupils are motivated to complete their work and welcome the help of support staff to assist them with their work.

All vulnerable children would usually take part in residential and/or educational visits and benefit from their experiences. School closures in 2020 and 2021  prevented these happening.

Outcomes for pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium for 2022/23

There were 12 pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium last year. Out of these pupils, 2 were in Y6, both were at the standard in statutory assessment for reading and writing, one in maths; 2 were in Y2 and both of them achieved the standard for reading and writing, one in maths; 1 was in Y1 and passed the phonics screening check. End of year diagnostic tests for the other 5 pupils in years 5, 4 and 3 showed that 2 of them were at the standard in all areas, 2 in most and 1 was below.

Catch-Up/Recovery Premium 2023/24

The Government is continuing to fund the recovery premium for the 2023 to 2024 academic year. School will receive £500 this year. This funding aims to support pupils to catch up for lost learning in order that schools can meet the curriculum expectations for the next academic year.

In line with the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) guidance, we are using a three tier approach: teaching and whole school strategies, targeted approach and wider strategies.

Teaching and whole school strategies:

  • professional development
  • assessment
  • effective remote learning

Targeted academic support:

  • structured interventions
  • small group tuition
  • one to one support
  • effective deployment of teaching assistants
  • reading interventions

Wider strategies:

  • sustaining parental engagement
  • social and emotional learning
  • reinforcing behaviour routines
  • extra curricular activities

The Recovery Premium is being spent on additional teacher and teaching assistant support where a need has been identified.

The impact on the educational attainment of pupils will be assessed using termly diagnostic tests as well as ongoing teacher assessments.