“Early Morning Club” is run by Mrs Denby and operates in the hall from 7.50 a.m. Bookings can be made via the office and payments (£4.00 per session) are made via ParentPay. Pupils can bring a packed breakfast to eat with us or they can have toast. They then play games or complete homework before joining their classmates to start a school day.
We also work in partnership with a number of local childminders and Kidz Day Nursery. Parents drop off and collect their children from the childminders’ homes or Kidz Day Nursery and then the pupils are brought to and from school. They also support families during holiday periods and are fully involved in school events. Contact details for Ingleton based childminders (Sue and Dianne Coates, Sue Lis, Sue Huck, Betsy Skidmore) are available from the office and there is a comprehensive website for Kidz Day Nursery.
In the children’s section of our website you can find out about the after school clubs we run.
We have a policy which explains our expectations and routines to keep pupils safe at the end of the school day.
We expect all family holidays to be booked out of term time and appreciate your support with your child’s wellbeing and education. Please see our Attendance Policy within the Info section if you need further detail.
Term Dates 2024 / 2025
Summer | 04.09.24 | |
Autumn Term | 28.10.24 | 04.11.24 |
Christmas | 23.12.24 | 07.01.25 |
Spring Half Term | 17.02.25 | 24.02.25 |
Easter | 07.04.25 | 22.04.25 |
May Day | 05.05.25 | 06.05.25 |
Summer Half Term | 26.05.25 | 02.06.25 |
Summer | 18.07.25 |
Term Dates 2023 / 2024
Summer | 06.09.23 | |
Autumn Term | 30.10.23 | 06.11.23 |
Christmas | 25.12.23 | 09.01.24 |
Spring Half Term | 12.02.24 | 19.02.24 |
Easter | 25.03.24 | 09.04.24 |
May Day | 06.05.24 | 07.05.24 |
Summer Half Term | 27.05.24 | 03.06.24 |
Summer | 22.07.24 |
School Meals / Milk / Playtime Snacks
Lunchtime is a sociable and pleasant part of our school day. All the children are encouraged to try the food that is provided but they don’t have to take food that they dislike or take more than they want. We cater for special dietary needs and provide vegetarian options. We have high standards. We expect pleasant table manners and still enjoy good old fashioned ceramic plates and tables set with knives and forks.
Facilities for eating packed lunches at school are available.
Pupils in Reception and Year 1 and 2 do not pay for school meals. Pupils in Key Stage 2 pay £2.78. Dinner money is payable via Parent Pay. Some children may be eligible for free school meals and details can be obtained from the office.
We promote healthy eating habits. Children who are 3 and 4 year old are entitled to free milk and a small charge is made for older pupils.
We also provide a piece of fruit or vegetable each day for Nursery and KS1 children. The remainder of the children may bring some fruit/veg/bread to consume at break-time. It is helpful if fruit doesn’t need cutting or peeling and also if it is named.
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- Christmas Carol ServiceFebruary 1, 2024 - 11:22 am