We want to provide the very best education for every single child in our care. All their needs vary and each child is unique. At some stage in their primary education some pupils may require some additional support with aspects of their learning or behaviour.
Mrs Hannah Burnett is the Special Education Needs Coordinator.
Ms Rachel Wall is the named governor for SEND.
Below are attachments with our policy and information about SEND at our school.
Some children may require support with some aspect of their learning, or physical help, or even guidance with their behaviour. Mrs Burnett is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and she works closely with outside agencies to assist staff in providing the support needed for particular children. When a child requires more specialised teaching, Support Services are contacted. This can give the child more structured and individual help. Parents are kept fully informed of this process. If you wish to know more about our approaches to supporting pupils please read the attached polices and get in touch.
North Yorkshire Local Offer
SENDIASS: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service
NYPACT: North Yorkshire Parent and Carer Forum