Safeguarding at Ingleton Primary School

The government-published statutory guidance, ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023,’ has been used to inform this safeguarding policy.

Safeguarding – a definition

Safeguarding is summarised within the Children Act 2004 as:

  • protecting children and young people from maltreatment;
  • preventing impairment of children and young people’s health or development;
  • ensuring that children and young people are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care;
  • undertaking that role so as to enable those children and young people to have optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully.

Safeguarding includes the establishment and implementation of procedures to protect children from deliberate harm. A school’s child protection procedures, safer recruitment practices and the maintenance of a robust single central record remain key requirements.

However, safeguarding also encompasses all aspects of pupils’ health, safety and well-being including:

  • the rigour with which absences are followed up;
  • adopting appropriate arrangements to ensure the security of school premises;
  • ensuring freedom from bullying, including any form of abuse, harassment and discrimination;
  • implementing appropriate procedures to manage any complex or challenging behaviour,  including the use of physical intervention to safeguard pupils and staff;
  • providing effective guidance to pupils on risky behaviours and having robust procedures for dealing with them, including drug and substance misuse and internet safety;
  • having robust procedures to ensure pupils’ safety when engaged in learning beyond the classroom, such as educational visits or work experience;
  • meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions, including the provision of intimate care;
  • ensuring that safe working practices are adopted by all staff;
  • providing first aid;
  • dealing with any issues which may be specific to a local area or population, for example gang activity.

Ingleton Primary School Safeguarding Statement

The Health and Safety of the children in our care is of the upmost importance. Parents send their children to our school with the expectation that we provide a secure environment in which their child can be happy, learn and develop. We therefore have to ensure that this expectation becomes reality. In order to do this, a wide range of measures are put in place within school, as detailed in this Safeguarding Policy.

Our Safeguarding Culture in School and Policy Monitoring

A safeguarding culture begins and ends with the pupils. Pupils demonstrate the effectiveness of any procedures through their behaviour across the school day. Our school will ensure that there are regular, planned opportunities within the curriculum for aspects of safeguarding to be explored with pupils, at an age appropriate level.

Parents must be genuine partners in ensuring that agreed procedures are implemented. Some procedures may be ‘inconvenient’ for some parents. However, pupils’ safety cannot be compromised, so school will, wherever possible, seek to involve parents regularly in formulating and agreeing any improvements to procedures.

Staff are the most important factor in implementing procedures around safeguarding, so we will ensure that they are given regular training as required and high quality, transparent information supports them in carrying out these important duties effectively and consistently. Records are maintained detailing how and when staff receive training. The Headteacher is in charge of informing or reminding staff of any aspects of safeguarding that may need more attention during a particular day or week.

Ultimately the Headteacher, in partnership with the governing body, is accountable for the effectiveness of safeguarding procedures in school. Safeguarding is a regular agenda item at staffmeetings and is a standing item at governing body meetings through the Headteacher’s Report.

The Health and Safety Policy

The school has a Health and Safety Policy, which is monitored regularly by the Governors’ Resources Committee on behalf of the full governing body. This committee is advised by our Local Authority health and safety advisor, who meets with the Headteacher termly. Any concerns from staff are reported and an initial examination assesses what action needs to take place.

Each term there is a fire drill that practices the efficient evacuation from the building. The school conducts an annual Fire Risk Assessment. Regular safety checks of the school building, premises and equipment and monitoring of fire equipment, asbestos, fire doors, emergency lighting and water temperatures are carried out and documented on the Health and Safety Management Plan, which is overseen by the heads and kept in the office. All the school health and safety systems and paperwork are fully checked and audited by our Health and safety Advisor annually. There is also a critical incidents plan that details what staff should do in the case of serious emergencies.

First Aid and Medical Needs

In school there are always trained members of staff who volunteer to oversee and administer first aid. Current qualified staff are listed on the main noticeboard. There are a number of first aid kits around school and when a child has an accident or is ill, we follow the following protocol:

  • A trained first aider is consulted
  • If appropriate the incident is logged in the accident book
  • For a head injury a Head Injury Note is issued and we ensure parents are informed.
  • If we are in any doubt about the nature or seriousness of the injury or illness a parent is called
  • In a more serious emergency, an ambulance will be called via 999

Please ensure that the school is aware of any medical condition affecting your child. We will ask parents/carers to complete a medical form annually and records of any pupils with conditions/needs are kept centrally and shared with staff.

Any medicines that need to be administered in school require the completion of a form. Medicines must be sent into school in original packaging, ideallymeasured into the required dose, clearly labelled with the child’s name and dosage and will usually be stored centrally and securely in school until/after use. For the majority of cases, administering medicine before and after school is more than sufficient and parents are encouraged to do this whenever possible. Older pupils may be able to take care of their own asthma inhaler. The school’s Asthma Policy should be consulted for further details.

Site Safety

Ingleton Primary School provides a secure building, but the site is only as secure as the people who use it. The following are guidance that we all adhere to:

  • The gates that allow access to New Village and Red Ash Lane are locked during the school day.
  • All exit doors will be closed and locked during the school day to prevent intrusion
  • Visitors must only enter school through the main entrance and will be asked to sign in and out. If they do not have their own identity badge they will be given a visitors lanyard on entry (red = non DBS so must be accompanied at all times)
  • Pupils are not allowed out onto the playground/other grounds areas, including the secure EYFS area, without staff supervision
  • Children will only be allowed home with adults with parental responsibility or with those who have confirmed permission (see Home Policy)
  • Children should never be allowed to leave school alone during school hours, and if collected by an adult, they are to be signed out in the book kept for this purpose in the entrance. Should a child leave the school premises without permission, staff should report this immediately to the office and/or head teachers. The parents/carers and police will be informed of the circumstances.


Excellent attendance is expected of all children, but when children are unwell parents are expected to confirm absences by telephone. If there is no notification school has a policy of phoning home at 9.30am to ascertain each child’s whereabouts. (First Day Response). If nobody can be contacted via the home number or mobile a message / messages will be left to encourage parents / carers to notify school and we will keep trying to make contact during the day, when possible.

If a child’s attendance or punctuality is a cause for concern, school will work closely with the Attendance Officer to remedy the situation. Attendance rates are reported each term to the governors and attendance information features on reports for parents. Positive measures are in place to encourage good attendance and punctuality. The school Attendance Policy contains further details.

Appointment of staff and induction of newly appointed staff and work placements All staff who are appointed to work in school have a criminal records search (DBS check) and  complete a ‘disqualification by association’ form. This highlights people who have a criminal record or if previous allegations have been made against them, or anyone they are closely associated with.

If staff are found to have a criminal record, the appointment is reconsidered by the Headteacher and the Governing Body. The LA is informed directly by the Disclosure and Barring Service. The Headteacher sits on all appointment panels where external candidates are appointed. Safer Recruitment training has been completed by the head and three governors.

New staff are inducted into safeguarding practices. All staff are required to complete the LSCB Level 1 Safeguarding Training (basic awareness). Newly appointed staff are assigned a mentor for the induction period. It is the responsibility of the mentor to familiarize new staff with procedures and policy which affect the safeguarding and health and safety of all at school, but especially the children.

Induction of volunteers and governors
Volunteers who regularly work in school and governors are also asked to complete a DBS clearance check. Visitors who do not have, or have not yet received a cleared DBS, will not be left alone with children.

All records of DBS and ‘disqualification by association’ checks on staff and volunteers are kept centrally in our school’s Single Central Record (SCR).

Welcoming visitors
It is assumed that visitors with a professional role (i.e. a member of the police force or Early Help) will have the relevant clearance, but the office staff will endeavour to check this before admittance is granted and a note will be made of anybody entering without clearance. (This will then be followed up by office staff). We will also ensure that all students, teachers and coaches (e.g. peripatetic music staff, sports coaches) who work in our school on a regular basis have the necessary clearance.

Child Protection Policy
The Designated Senior Lead (DSL) for Child Protection is the Headteacher, Mrs Jo Colledge, with support from a named governor, Ms Rachel Wall. School has a Child Protection Policy in place, written following LA guidelines. Any concerns relating to child protection issues about our children or families should be made to the headteacher who will follow these up in accordance with our current policy. In the event that she is unavailable, the Deputy Designated Senior Leads (DDSLs) Miss Jen Middleton and Mrs Rachel Clements, should be contacted. All allegations of abuse by or complaints of a teacher will be dealt with following North Yorkshire L.A. guidance. For complaints about the Head Teacher, the Chair of Governors, Mrs Jen Thistlethwaite, should be contacted directly.

The Design of the Curriculum
The curriculum deals with safeguarding in several ways. Firstly, through teaching about our core values, we promote mutual respect and responsibility across our school community, which includes caring and taking responsibility for our own and others’ safety. Secondly, in subjects such as PSHE, the curriculum discusses relevant issues with the children through such topics as drugs, and sex and relationships.

Children are encouraged to explore and discuss these issues as relevant to their age, stage of development and needs. Thirdly, the curriculum is designed so that safety issues within subjects are discussed and safe practice taught, such as using equipment properly in PE and DT. Safe use of ICT, including the internet and social media are taught through our Computing curriculum; we have adopted an ‘Acceptable Use Agreement’ and pupils are taught to be digitally confident. We hold an annual E-safety week to highlight issues for both parents and pupils. At all times we have the appropriate staffing levels and when the curriculum is taken out of school sensible pupil / adult ratios are maintained. The lead adult always risk-assesses visits and final authorisation is given by the head teachers/EVC.

In the event of trips that need referral to the LA for assessment and clearance, this is done via our online EVOLVE system of risk assessing and planning for educational visits and activities. Our older children are usually included in assessing risks with staff support in different environments; they are taught to do potentially dangerous things safely, e.g. using camping stoves, enjoying the climbing frames, cycling, aspects of visiting a city on residential. Their Crucial Crew and Keeping Myself Safe Day (Y6) days support our belief that they should learn about keeping themselves safe

Online Safety
Our children are encouraged to use the internet as much as is possible, both in school and to support their learning from home. In school time, our computer system runs appropriate software to block the accessing of inappropriate sites. Please see our E-Safety Policy for more details.

Use of images of children
We are aware that in the modern digital age it is impossible to know exactly where images taken and displayed by school and parents at various school events will end up. As a school however, we do take every opportunity to work closely with parents to use images to celebrate the children’s achievements while minimising the risk of these images being used inappropriately. To do this, we secure parental consent for the public display of images in school, on our website and P.T.A. Facebook page, and in the local press. A record is kept centrally and shared with all staff. Reminders are given about parents not sharing photographs online at the beginning of every performance / event.

Equal opportunities
We endeavour to ensure that our school is fully inclusive and that every child in our school can play a full and active part in all aspects of school life. Our safeguarding policy and procedures apply to all pupils and members of our school community equally. (Also see our school’s Single Equality Statement.)

Positive Behaviour Policy
Good behaviour is essential in any community and at Ingleton Primary School we have high expectations for this, both for conduct and learning. Although the emphasis is always on the positive, there are also times when children have to be disciplined (or in serious cases, restrained or excluded) in order to maintain the safety and security of all children and staff. Our Positive Behaviour Policy should be read for further details.

Anti-Bullying Policy
We define bullying as ‘A systematic and extended victimisation of a person or group of people by another person or group of people.’ Our response to this is unequivocal: in the event of bullying, an adult must be informed and immediate action will take place. Bullying will not be tolerated. Through PSHE, circle times and work on our values, children learn how to manage friendships, what to do when these break down and how to deal with different forms of bullying, including in situations outside school and via social media.

Although bullying in our school is rare, we will always act swiftly with a process of investigation, communication and action in order to keep our pupils safe.

Prevent Duty Policy
The Prevent Duty (June 2015)
The Prevent duty requires school staff to be able to identify children who are vulnerable to radicalisation and to know how to respond to this. This duty is part of schools’ wider safeguarding duties. Ofsted’s revised framework specifies that schools need safeguarding arrangements in place to prevent radicalisation and extremism.

As part of this we will

  • assess the risk of children being drawn into terrorism.
  • demonstrate a general understanding of the risks affecting children and young people in the area, as well as how to identify individual children at risk of radicalisation.
  • be alert to changes in children’s behaviours, and staff will use their professional judgement to identify children at risk of radicalisation, and act proportionately to these risks.
  • we will review our procedures to protect children at risk of radicalisation, including action where behaviour causes concern.

The Prevent duty builds on existing local partnerships. Local Safeguarding Children Boards are responsible for coordinating local agencies for the purpose of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in their local area. We will aim to engage effectively with parents/the family of at-risk children. Staff are able participate in Prevent awareness training so that we are equipped with the skills to identify children at risk of being drawn into terrorism and extremist ideologies. We need to understand how to challenge extremist ideas.

Mrs Colledge has undertaken Prevent awareness training and is able to provide advice and support on how to protect children against the risk of radicalisation. All staff have completed the on-line basic Prevent training.

We concentrate on building children’s resilience:

  • A safe environment for debating controversial issues is a good way to help develop children’s resistance to radicalisation. This helps children to understand how they can influence and participate in decision-making.
  • Our school promotes fundamental British values, alongside pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
  • Pupils are given time to explore sensitive and controversial issues.
  • Pupils are taught the knowledge and skills to understand and manage potentially difficult situations, recognise risk, make safe choices and recognise where pressure from others threaten their personal safety and wellbeing.
  • We equip pupils to explore political and social issues critically, weigh evidence, debate, and make reasoned arguments.
  • Pupils learn about how democracy, government and law making/enforcement occurs. Pupils learn about respect and understanding for the diverse national, regional, religious and ethnic identities of the UK.

The following key policies, documents and procedures should be read and referred to if more specific information on safeguarding in school is required, alongside this policy. All documents listed below are available either via the school website or on request directly from the school office:

Health and Safety Policy; Risk Assessments; Attendance Policy; Child Protection Policy; Drugs &
Alcohol Policy; Behaviour Policy; E-safety Policy; Acceptable Use Policy Agreements; Equality &
Accessibility Statement; SEND Policy & School Offer; Whistleblowing Policy; Asthma Policy;
Relationships and Sex Education Policy; NY Critical Incident Plan


Child Protection Policy

Joanna Colledge is the Designated Safeguarding Lead. Jen Middleton and Rachel Clements will deputise in her absence.

Ingleton Primary School is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all children in school. All North Yorkshire schools, including Ingleton Primary School, follow the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures. The school will, in most circumstances, endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their child/ren. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with Social Care and/or the Police without parental knowledge (in accordance with Child Protection procedures). The school will, of course, always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents.

This policy outlines our Child Protection procedures. For your convenience we have included this document as an attachment which you may download or print out.