Ingleton Primary School Parent & Teachers Association is a registered charity made up of a dynamic team of parents and teachers who work together with the school community to raise money, helping to give our children the best opportunities.
Since the PTA was established 50 years ago, funds raised have paid for all sorts of equipment for the school, improvements to our amazing outside space, trips and guest visits to enhance our children’s education.
Our success is only made possible with the support of parents and carers. Each and every one of us are automatically PTA members and our well attended events are testimony to the support we receive from our school community.
A committee of volunteers actively help out with the planning, organising and doing. We really do have fun coordinating events and although we are all busy people, collectively we can achieve so much. Please consider getting involved, new ideas are always welcome, and you can do as little or as much as you are able.
If you have any questions, thoughts or ideas or just to say hello then please drop us a line pta@ingleton-pri.n-yorks.sch.