1 – Introduction
1.1 Our governing body applies the regulations on admissions fairly and equally to all those who wish to attend this school. The School Standards and Framework Act 1998 introduced a new framework for school admissions as of September 2000. This was later revised in the Education Act of 2002. Our Admissions policy conforms to the regulations that are set out in that Act and are further explained in the statutory School Admissions Code of Practice and the statutory Appeals Code of Practice. These were revised in January 2003 and come into force in September 2004.
2 – Aims
2.1 We seek to be an inclusive school, welcoming children from all backgrounds and abilities.
2.2 All applications will be treated on merit, and in a sensitive manner.
2.3 The only restriction we place on entry is that of number. If the number of children applying for entry exceeds the places available, (26) we adopt the procedure set out below to determine whether a child is to be accepted or not. It is our wish for parents to find a place for their child at the school of their choice. However, should this not be possible, due to excess demand on the places available. See point 5.
2.4 Order of Priority:-
All governing bodies are required to admit to the school a child with an Education Health Care Plan that names the school. This is not an oversubscription criterion.
First Priority – Children in Public Care for whom the school has been expressed as a preference and previously looked after children, that is children who were adopted (or subject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after.
Second Priority – Children who are recommended by the Director of Children and Young Peoples Service, including children in the care of a local authority, or by the appropriate designated medical officer.
Third Priority – Children from homes with poor housing conditions or overcrowding, or from a background which could affect the child`s normal educational development.
Fourth Priority – Children within the normal area of the school, giving priority to the oldest children first.
Fifth Priority – Children from outside the school`s normal area, giving priority to those whose home is nearest to school first.
3 – How parents can apply for their child to be admitted to our school
3.1 Our school is a community school, and it determines the admission arrangements in agreement with the Local Authority. The Admissions Authority for our school is therefore the LA, which publishes its entry regulations every year. Parents can receive a copy of these regulations directly from the LA.
3.2 The LA’s annual admissions prospectus informs parents how to apply for a place at the school of their choice. Parents have a right to express their preference, but this does not, in itself, guarantee a place at that particular school. Application should be made on a form that can be obtained from the local Education Department, and should be returned by the date stipulated on that form. The LA will notify parents of the decision as soon as all the applications have been considered.
3.3 In this area, children enter school at the start of the academic year in which they become five. There is one admission date per year, early in September when the autumn term begins. Therefore, parents who would like their child to be admitted to this school during the year their child is five should ensure that they return the necessary application form to the LA.
4 – How parents can apply for their child to be admitted to our nursery
4.1 The local authority has delegated responsibility for making decisions on nursery admissions to the headteachers of its nursery schools and schools with nursery classes.
4.2 Parents need to contact school directly to request a place in nursery. It is highly recommended that children attend our nursery sessions starting the term after they are three years old. Admission is in accordance with North Yorkshire Local Authority policy ( see point 2.4 above.) We have an allocated number of places (26) and once these places are filled there is a waiting list. We do admit children who live outside our catchment area if we have enough space.
4.3 The headteacher will make in writing the offer of a place in the nursery.
4.4 There is no link between admissions to nursery and admission into reception in the main school. A place in nursery does not guarantee a place in the reception class. Nursery children are not on the roll of the main school.
5 – Admission appeals
5.1 If we do not offer a child a place at this school, this will be because to do so would prejudice the education of other children by allowing the number of children in the school to increase too much.
5.2 If parents wish to appeal against a decision to refuse entry, they can do so by applying to the LA. An independent panel considers all such appeals, and its decision is binding for all parties concerned. If the appeals panel decides that we should admit a child to whom we had refused a place, then we will accept this decision and continue to do all we can to provide the best education for all the children at our school. (Further details of appeal arrangements are set out in the revised Code of Practice on School Admissions Appeals, which came into force in September 2004.)
6 – The standard number
6.1 The ‘standard number’ is the number of children the LA considers the school can accommodate. The standard number for our school is 28. We keep this number under review, and the governors will apply to change the number if circumstances change.
7 – Sizes of classes for Key Stage 1 and Foundation Stage
7.1 We teach FS ad KS1 children (aged five to seven) in classes that have a maximum number of 30 children.
8 – Monitoring and review
8.1 This policy will be monitored by the governing body and reviewed every year, or earlier in the light of any changed circumstances, either in our school or in the local area. The policy will always take due note of guidance provided by the local Admissions Forum.
Reviewed September 2024