- Move to music.
- Copy dance moves.
- Perform some dance moves.
- Move around the space safely.
Year 1
- Copy dance moves.
- Make up a short dance, after watching one.
- Dance imaginatively.
- Change rhythm, speed, level and direction.
Year 2
- Change rhythm, speed, level and direction with consistency.
- Dance with control and co-ordination.
- Make a sequence by linking sections together.
- Link some movement to show a mood or feeling.
End of KS expectations
- Children should be taught to perform dances using simple movement patterns.
- Use movement imaginatively, responding to stimuli, including music and performing basic skills
- Change rhythm, speed, level and direction of their movements
- Create and perform dances using simple movement patterns, including those from different times and cultures
- Express and communicate ideas and feelings
Year 3
- Perform pair/group dance involving canon & unison, meet & part
- Respond to music in time & rhythm to show like/unlike actions
- Respond to music to express a variety of moods & feelings
Year 4
- Respond imaginatively to stimuli related to character/music/story
- ‘Perform clear & fluent dances that show sensitivity to idea/stimuli
- Make up dance within a small group
Year 5
- Show/fluency/control in chosen dances in response to stimuli
- Perform fluent dances with characteristics of different styles/eras
- Adapt & refine(in pair/group), dances that vary direction, space & rhythm
Year 6
- Create & perform dances in a variety of styles consistently
- Be aware of & use musical structure, rhythm & mood & can dance accordingly
- Use appropriate criteria & terminology to evaluate performances
End of KS expectations
- Children should be taught to create dances using a range of movement patterns, including those from different times, place and cultures
- Respond to a range of stimuli and accompaniment
- Through dance, develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance
- Perform dances using a range of movement patterns
- Make body tense, relaxed, curled and stretched.
- Balance on small/large body parts & understand stillness Make large and small body shapes
- Climb & hang from apparatus
- Perform basic travelling actions on various body parts
- Perform a roll and basic jumps
Year 1
- Make body tense, relaxed, curled and stretched, showing some tension.
- Begin to work on alone/with someone to make a sequence of shapes/travels
- Climb safely, showing some shapes and balances when climbing.
- Keep balance travelling in a range of ways along bench, spots, mat etc
- Roll in stretched/curled positions e.g. ‘log’ and ‘egg rolls’
- Jump and land safely
Year 2
- Make body tense, relaxed, curled and stretched, in a range of movements.
- Perform a sequence with changes in speed & direction including 3 different actions (sometimes giving advice to others)
- Be still on single/two + points of contact on floor/apparatus showing tension & control
- Link known shape/travel/roll/jump to a balance using floor & on apparatus
- Jump/land with control using different body shapes in flight
End of KS expectations
- Children should develop core movement, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and co-ordination, individually and with others.
Year 3
- Use a greater number of own ideas for movement in response to a task.
- Combine arm actions with skips/leaps/steps/jumps & spins in travel
- Perform basic core gymnastic skills i.e. roll, balance, travel
- Know principles of balance and apply them on floor & apparatus
Year 4
- Share ideas and give positive criticism/advice to self & others.
- Create & perform matching/mirroring sequences explaining how it could be improved
- Perform at least 3 different rolls (shoulder, forward, back) with some control
- Link a roll with travel and balance using floor and apparatus with good body control
Year 5
- Combine own work with that of others, identifying strengths & weaknesses.
- Include change of speed, direction and shape in movements. Follow a set of ‘rules’ to produce a sequence, possibly made by peers.
- Create mirror/matching/cannon(pair) sequence varying dynamics/levels/direction etc.
Year 6
- Select a suitable routine to perform to different audiences, bearing in mind who the audience is.
- Transfer sequence above onto suitably arranged apparatus & floor
- Perform 6-8 part floor sequence as individual, pair & small group
- Demonstrate 3 paired or group balances in sequence using various skills/actions
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should be taught to develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance, for example through gymnastics and athletics
Invasion Games
- Make body tense, relaxed, curled and stretched.
- Balance on small/large body parts & understand stillness Make large and small body shapes
- Climb & hang from apparatus
- Perform basic travelling actions on various body parts
- Perform a roll and basic jumps
Year 1
- Throw underarm, bounce & catch ball by self & with partner
- Kick/stop a ball using a confident foot while static
- Run straight and on a curve and sidestep with correct technique
- Begin to follow some simple rules
- Strike a ball successfully with a stick
- Apply a tactic in a 1v1 or 2v2 setting
- Play a small sided invasion game
Year 2
- Perform some dribbling skills with hands and feet using space
- Pass a ball accurately (hands & feet) over longer distances to a team mate
- Combine stopping, pick up/collect & send a ball accurately to other players
- Make simple decisions about when /where to move in game to receive a ball
- Apply a tactic in a 3v1 game.
- Engage in simple, competitive and co-operative games.
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.
Year 3
- Make a series of passes to team mates moving towards a scoring area.
- Know the correct technique and show some signs of using a chest pass and shoulder pass.
- Know where space is and try to move into it.
- Mark another player and defend when needed.
- Change direction easily.
- Develop simple attack/defensive skills in 3v1, 4v2, 3v3 games.
Year 4
- Use a chest pass and shoulder pass to support team in scoring.
- Make decisions regarding which is the best type of pass to use.
- Begin to use a bounce pass, which only bounces once.
- Identify space to move into and show a clear target to receive a pass.
- Mark another player and begin to attempt interceptions.
- Know where positions are allowed on a court.
- Play competitive 3v3 or 4v4 games.
Year 5
- Use all three passes (chest, shoulder & bounce) correctly. Use a range of speeds within a game to support a team in scoring.
- Begin to use square (across the court) & straight (up & down the court) passes to achieve pace.
- Lose a defender to receive a pass.
- Defend a player and make some successful interceptions (snatch & catch) when playing as a team.
- Play competive 4v4 matches with basic netball rules.
- Know consequences of breaking game rules.
Year 6
- Know which pass is best to use and when in a game.
- Use a range of square & straight passes to change direction of the ball.
- Use landing foot to change direction to lose a defender.
- Draw defender away to create space for self or team.
- Position body to defend effectively, making successful interceptions.
- Apply tactics to outwit opponents successfully.
- Identify ways to improve their individual and team performance.
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should be taught to play competitive games, modified where appropriate, such as football, netball, rounders, cricket, hockey, basketball, badminton and tennis, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
Year 3
- Begin to dribble a ball making small touches
- Begin to send a football to someone on team.
- Keep a ball under control.
- Know where space is and try to move into it.
- Mark another player and defend when needed.
- Know basic rules of a small sided game.
- Play competitive games 2v2
Year 4
- Dribble with small touches into space.
- Send a football to someone on the team, using different parts of foot.
- Keep a ball under control when receiving a range of passes from team.
- Understand where the space is and can move into it.
- Mark another player and begin to attempt interceptions.
- Play small sided competitive games.
Year 5
- Dribble making small touches into space with speed.
- Send a football to someone on the team, using different parts of foot accurately.
- Use a range of ways to keep a ball under control (foot, knee, head, and knowing which one due to where ball is coming from).
- See space, and use it effectively.
- Lose a defender to receive a pass.
- Defend a player and make some successful interceptions for team.
- Play competitive games and successfully include rules.
Year 6
- Dribble making small touches into space with speed, to beat defenders.
- Make decisions regarding how and when to send a football to someone in team.
- Use a range of ways to keep a ball under control (foot, knee, head, and knowing which one due to where ball is coming from) when under pressure from a defender.
- Know how space changes within a game and when and how to move into changing spaces.
- Draw defender away to create space.
- Position body to defend effectively, making successful interceptions.
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should be taught to play competitive games, modified where appropriate, such as football, netball, rounders, cricket, hockey, basketball, badminton and tennis, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
Tag Rugby
Year 3
- Move holding a rugby ball with 2 hands
- Know where to score a try and how to position the ball to score a try
- Move into spaces to avoid defenders
- Make a backward pass to team mates, using the direction most comfortable
- Know to tag team mates when to defend
- Play small sided competitive games
Year 4
- Move with speed (and change of) with the ball and without
- Use speed and space to avoid defenders
- Pass backwards and in both directions and sometimes on the move
- Tag the person who has the ball, but can mark a player who doesn’t have the ball
- Begin to make a high pop pass to avoid a defender
- Play small sided competitive games
- Understand basic rules of competition
Year 5
- Be able to evade and tag opponents.
- Be able to pass and receive a pass at speed.
- Be able to pass and receive a pass at speed in a game situation.
- Refine attacking and defending skills.
- Develop tactics as a team.
- Apply learned skills in a game of tag rugby.
- Catch the ball with confidence
Year 6
- Be able to evade and tag opponents.
- Running at speed, changing direction at speed.
- Play effectively in attack and defence
- Score points against opposition, as a team
- Support player with the ball
- Play small sided competitive games
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should be taught to play competitive games, modified where appropriate, such as football, netball, rounders, cricket, hockey, basketball, badminton and tennis, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
Year 3
- Begin to show how to hold a hockey stick and which side to use.
- Use a simple push pass to another team mate.
- Dribble the ball keeping it close to me using the correct side of stick.
- Show some signs of an approaching a player to tackle and cause pressure.
- Begin to attempt to score a goal from anywhere.
- Play small sided competitive games
Year 4
- Sometimes change direction of travel by rotating and turning stick to support this.
- Use a push pass to make a direct pass.
- Begin to use a slap pass (bringing stick back and causing more power).
- Use speed to dribble the ball into space.
- Maintain defence and keep the pressure until possession is gained.
- Attempt to score inside a designated scoring area.
- Play small sided competitive games
- Follow basic rules of competition
Year 5
- Change direction and use the correct side of stick, sometimes using indian dribbling (alternating sides of stick while dribbling) to avoid defenders.
- Choose between the two passes (push/slap) and explain simply why.
- Make a direct pass while dribbling.
- Begin to use stick to mark a player from the side line causing them difficulty.
- Successfully score while in the scoring area.
- Play small sided competitive games
Year 6
- Use speed, changing of direction and indian dribbling to advance towards team’s goal.
- Use a range of passes knowing which one depending on the distance of the pass.
- Dribble and change direction by making a square pass (across the pitch) or straight pass (up/down the pitch).
- Know when to defend and what defence skills could be used.
- Seize an opportunity to score, sometimes quite quickly.
- Play small sided competitive games
- Pass a moving ball
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should be taught to play competitive games, modified where appropriate, such as football, netball, rounders, cricket, hockey, basketball, badminton and tennis, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
Striking and Fielding Games
- Aim & throw object underarm
- Catch balloon/bean bag/scarf & sometimes a bouncing ball
- Use hand to strike a bean bag or ball and move towards a scoring area
- Begin to use a bat to hit a ball or bean bag
- Play a simple game involving striking and fielding
Year 1
- Show some different ways of hitting, throwing and striking a ball
- Hit a ball or bean bag and move quickly to score a range of points (further distance scores more points)
- Play as a fielder and get the ball back to a STOP ZONE
- Begin to follow some simple rules (carrying the bat, not over taking someone)
Year 2
- Send a ball off a tee using a bat or a racket
- Play two types of games to score: running around a series of hula hoops or forwards and backwards between hula hoops
- Stop moving when the ‘bowler’ has the ball
- Play as a fielder and pass the ball back to the bowler to make the runner stop
- Follow rules for a game (carry the bat, don’t overtake, run around the outside of the hula hoops)
- Play competitively to score points.
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.
Year 3
- Throw and catch under pressure.
- Use fielding skills to stop the ball effectively.
- Learn batting control.
- Learn the role of wicket keeper
- Play in a tournament and work as team, using tactics in order to beat another team.
- Play in a tournament and work as team, using tactics in order to beat another team
- Know when to use an underarm or overarm throw.
Year 4
- To develop the range of Cricket skills they can apply in a competitive context
- To choose and use a range of simple tactics in isolation and in a game context
- To consolidate existing skills and apply with consistency
- To develop fielding skills e.g. which stump, where to hit.
Year 5
- Use all three passes (chest, shoulder & bounce) correctly. Use a range of speeds within a game to support a team in scoring.
- Begin to use square (across the court) & straight (up & down the court) passes to achieve pace.
- Lose a defender to receive a pass.
- Defend a player and make some successful interceptions (snatch & catch) when playing as a team.
- Play competive 4v4 matches with basic netball rules.
- Know consequences of breaking game rules.
Year 6
- To apply with consistency standard cricket rules in a variety of different styles of games
- To attempt a small range of recognised shots in isolation and in competitive scenarios
- To use a range of tactics for attacking and defending in role of bowler, batter and fielder
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should be taught to play competitive games, modified where appropriate, such as football, netball, rounders, cricket, hockey, basketball, badminton and tennis, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
Year 3
- Be able to play simple rounders games
- Apply some rules to games
- Develop and use simple rounders skills
- Use a forehanded batting technique
- Field the ball back to the post or bowler
- Bowl accurately
Year 4
- Develop the range of rounders skills that can apply in a competitive context
- Choose and use a range of simple tactics in isolation and in a game context
- Identify different positions in rounders and the roles of those positions
Year 5
- Link together a range of skills and use in combination.
- Collaborate as a team to choose, use and adapt rules in games.
- Recognise how some aspects of fitness apply to rounders e.g. power, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance
- Throw and catch under pressure.
- Use fielding skills to stop the ball effectively.
- Learn batting control.
- Learn the role of backstop.
- Play in a tournament and work as team, using tactics in order to beat another team.
- Play in a tournament and work as team, using tactics in order to beat another team
Year 6
- Apply consistently rounders rules in conditioned games
- Play small sided games using standard rounders pitch layout
- Use a range of tactics for attacking and defending in role of bowler, batter and fielder
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should be taught to play competitive games, modified where appropriate, such as football, netball, rounders, cricket, hockey, basketball, badminton and tennis, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
Net and Wall Games
Year 3
- Tap the ball off racquet (tapping it to the ground, tapping it up off the racket, tapping it up with one bounce etc)
- Tap the ball back and forth to partner
- Stand in a ready position holding racquet correctly
- Change from a ready position before tapping the ball to a partner
- Begin to know what it means by a forehand and backhand position
- Begin to attempt to serve the tennis ball straight from hands, sometimes using one bounce if needed
Year 4
- Tap the ball back and forth to a partner over a small space
- Begin to tap a ball over a net allowing for a bounce, hit technique
- Move from a ready position into a forehand position/backhand position quickly
- Bring racquet to meet the ball for a forehand and backhand hit
- Know to use two hands for an effective backhand
- Move racquet in a low to high swing for an effective tap
- Serve the ball straight from hands to racquet making sure it lands ‘in’ on the other side
Year 5
- Tap the ball using either a fore hand or back hand motion
- Move towards the ball from ‘ready’ position choosing either forehand or backhand depending on where the ball is
- Set racquet back in its ready position quickly upon recovery
- Demonstrate the correct swing technique when hitting the ball over a net sometimes showing control over the hit
- Serve the ball correctly beginning to purposely aim for space to score
Year 6
- Turn and run to the ball getting into a forehand or backhand position en route
- Use ‘move-hit-recover’ approach within a game showing facing forward on recovery
- Show a range of grips when demonstrating a backhand (continental, chopper, hammer grip).
- Use the correct swing technique and control with smooth swings keeping the path of the racquet the same
- Serve the ball accurately making team mates have to move to send it back
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should be taught to play competitive games, modified where appropriate, such as football, netball, rounders, cricket, hockey, basketball, badminton and tennis, and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
Year 1
- Use varying speeds when running.
- Explore footwork patterns.
- Explore arm mobility.
- Explore different methods of throwing.
- Practise short distance running.
Year 2
- Run with agility and confidence.
- Learn the best jumping techniques for distance.
- Throw different objects in a variety of ways.
- Hurdle an obstacle and maintain effective running style.
- Run for distance.
- Complete an obstacle course with control and agility.
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should continue to apply and develop a range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement.
- They should enjoy communicating, collaborating their own success.
- Pupils should be taught to use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination.
Year 3
- Run in different directions and at different speeds, using a good technique.
- Improve throwing technique.
- Reinforce jumping techniques.
- Understand the relay and passing the baton.
- Choose and understand appropriate running techniques.
- Compete in a mini competition, recording scores.
Year 4
- Select and maintain a running pace for different distances.
- Practise throwing with power and accuracy.
- Throw safely and with understanding.
- Demonstrate good running technique in a competitive situation.
- Explore different footwork patterns
- Understand which technique is most effective when jumping for distance.
- Utilise all the skills learned in this unit in a competitive situation.
Year 5
- Use correct technique to run at speed.
- Develop the ability to run for distance.
- Throw with accuracy and power.
- Identify and apply techniques of relay running.
- Explore different footwork patterns.
- Understand which technique is most effective when jumping for distance.
- Learn how to use skills to improve the distance of a pull throw.
- Demonstrate good techniques in a competitive situation.
Year 6
- Investigate running styles and changes of speed.
- Practise throwing with power and accuracy.
- Throw safely and with understanding.
- Demonstrate good running technique in a competitive situation.
- Explore different footwork patterns.
- Understand which technique is most effective when jumping for distance.
- Utilise all the skills learned in this unit in a competitive situation.
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement.
- They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other and evaluate their own success.
- Pupils should be taught to use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination.
Swimming and Water Safety
Year 2 - 6
- To develop basic pool safety skills and confidence in water.
- To develop travel in vertical or horizontal position and introduce floats.
- To develop push and glides, any kick action on front and back with or without support aids.
- To develop entry and exit, travel further, float and submerge.
- To develop balance, link activities and travel further on whole stroke.
- To show breath control.
- Introduction to deeper water.
- Treading water
End of KS expectations
- Pupils should be taught to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 m.
- To use a range of strokes effectively (EG: front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke)
- Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.