Chronological Understanding
- Order events in their life
Range and depth of Historical Knowledge
- Recognise special times and events for themselves and their families
Interpretations of history
- Use stories photographs and artefacts to find out about the past
Historical Enquiry
- With help find out information about the past from pictures photographs
Organisation and Communication
- Communicate through discussion, pictures and labelled pictures
Chronological Understanding
- Order and sequence events in their life
- Sequence 3 or 4 artefacts from distinctly different periods of time
Range and depth of Historical Knowledge
- Recognise the difference between the past and present in their own and others lives
- Know and recount stories about the past
Interpretations of history
- Use stories to encourage children to distinguish between fact and fiction
Historical Enquiry
- Find answers to simple questions about the past from sources of information (e.g. artefacts)
Organisation and Communication
- Communicate knowledge through discussion, drawing pictures, role play, drama, making models, writing, using IT
Chronological Understanding
- Sequence artefacts
- Sequence photographs from different periods
- Use common words and phrases relating to the passing of time
- Identify similarities and differences between periods
Range and depth of Historical Knowledge
- Recognise why people did things, why events happened and what happened as a result
- Identify differences between ways of life at different times
Interpretations of history
- Compare 2 versions of a past event
- Compare photos pictures of people, events in the past
- Discuss reliability of photos/accounts/stories
Historical Enquiry
- Use a source, observe or handle sources to answer questions about the past using simple observations
Organisation and Communication
- Communicate knowledge through discussion, drawing pictures, role play, drama, making models, writing, using IT
Chronological Understanding
- Place the time studied on a time line
- Use dates and terms related to the study and the passing of time
- Sequence several events or artefacts
Range and depth of Historical Knowledge
- Find out about everyday lives of people in the time studied comparing with our lives today
- Identify reasons for and results of people’s actions
Interpretations of history
- Identify and give reasons for different ways in which the past is represented
- Distinguish between different sources compare different versions of the same story
- Look at representations of the period
Historical Enquiry
- Use a range of sources to find out about a period
- Select and record relevant information
- Begin to use the library and internet for research
Organisation and Communication
- Communicate knowledge through discussion, drawing pictures, role play, drama, making models, writing, using IT
Chronological Understanding
- Place the time studied on a time line
- Use terms related to the period and begin to date events
- Understand more complex terms
Range and depth of Historical Knowledge
- Use evidence to reconstruct life in the time studied
- Identify key features and events of the time studied
- Offer explanations for some events
Interpretations of history
- Look at the evidence available
- Begin to evaluate the usefulness of different sources
- Use text books and historical knowledge
Historical Enquiry
- Choose relevant material to present a picture of an aspect in the past
- Use evidence to build up a picture of a past event
- Use the library and internet for research
Organisation and Communication
- Recall ,select and organise historical information
- Communicate their knowledge and understanding through writing diagrams, using IT
Chronological Understanding
- Know and sequence key events of time studied
- Use relevant terms, dates and period labels
Range and depth of Historical Knowledge
- Describe and make links between main events, situations and changes within and across different periods
- Identify and give reasons for results of, historical events, situations, changes
Interpretations of history
- Compare accounts of events from different sources
- Offer reasons for different versions of events
Historical Enquiry
- Begin to identify primary and secondary sources
- Use evidence to build up a picture of a past event
- Use the library and internet for research with increasing confidence
Organisation and Communication
- Recall ,select and organise historical information
- Communicate their knowledge and understanding through writing, diagrams, using IT
Chronological Understanding
- Place current study on a time line in relation to other studies
- Use relevant dates and terms
- Establish clear narratives within and across periods studied
- Make comparisons between different times in the past
Range and depth of Historical Knowledge
- Find out about beliefs behaviour and characteristics of people
- Write an explanation of a past event cause and effect supporting their explanation
- Know key dates , characters and events of time studied
Interpretations of history
- Understand that different versions of the past exist and give reasons
Historical Enquiry
- Recognise primary and secondary sources
- Using a range of sources to find out about an aspect of the past
- Gather knowledge from several sources together in a fluent account
- Confidently use the library and internet for research
Organisation and Communication
- Select and organise information to produce structured work, making appropriate use of dates and terms