Minutes of the Full Governing Body of Ingleton Primary School
held on Wednesday, February 9th 2022, at 7.00pm
GQ = Governor’s Question
R = Response.
Governors present: David Alexander, Vikki Bromley, Jo Colledge (Head), Katie Harrison (Vice Chair), Jane Walker, Jenny Ward, Rachel Wall.
Clerk: David Wild.
Mrs Harrison Chaired the meeting.
Minutes | |||
No. | Item | Minute | Action |
Part ‘A’ – PROCEDURAL | |||
1 | Welcome and consideration of absence. | The Chair welcomed governors to their first face-to-face meeting in two years. Rachel Wall was welcomed to her first meeting and governors introduced themselves.
Apologies were received from Jen Thistlethwaite and Michelle Hartnell – consented. |
2 | To remind governors of the need to declare interests | None declared. | |
3 | To determine whether any part of the proceedings should be treated as confidential. | None |
4 | To determine whether other urgent business should be considered. | The Chair requested an item to discuss a social event. | |
5 | Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 September 2021. | There were no amendments proposed. Approval of the minutes was proposed by Jen Ward, seconded by Jane Walker and agreed by all. The minutes were signed by the Chair. | |
6 | Matters arising not otherwise covered by the agenda. | It was agreed that minutes would revert to a table format.
Action point – David Alexander confirmed that he had a discussion with Jen Middleton to review access to the school Facebook site. The school pages are an open group. It was agreed that as long as there is consent for the children on the site, usage just needs to be monitored. |
7 | Governance. | Appointment of Co-opted Governor.
Rachel Wall had circulated a brief note of introduction before the meeting. She explained that she moved to the village over a year ago, and was looking for an opportunity to use her skills. She is a trained teacher, was Head of Year in her last school, has experience as a SENCo and has an interest in pastoral care. Rachel Wall was welcomed by governors who said that her skills would benefit the GB. Rachel Wall was elected as a Co-opted Governors for a term of 4 years from 09 February 2022. Rachel Wall agreed to be link governor for Swaledale class. |
8 | Governor declarations. | Governors completed the declaration forms which were handed to the clerk. A summary will be produced for the school website.
It was agreed that the Governor Disqualification forms would be resigned at the next meeting. |
9 | Headteacher’s report. | The report was circulated to governors before the meeting.
GQ – What is happening with attendance at present. R – HT stated that she is not worried about the current level of attendance as some leeway needs to be given for Covid. GQ – Do you assign a reason for absence. R – Yes. There are different codes used, but Covid isolation is still recorded as an absence. HT explained how attendance had been recorded during lockdowns. The current 94% attendance is still higher than the national average of 88% and was considered a good result in the circumstances. GQ – As HT are you still needing to teach to cover absences. R – No. The situation has eased as more staff are back in school. HT explained the reasons for the suite of assessments required in Primary Schools this year. This is having an impact in some classes, especially Y6. The resulting data will not be published but the LA will still have the details. It is not clear what the final outcome will be. GQ – How long do you think it will be before you get fully back on track. R – All children have lost time in school, especially the younger children. It is still a challenge. It would have been good to have a different focus this year with less time spent on assessments. How children are doing could be found out by questioning teachers and parents. School standards – HT thanked Jen Middleton for completing the overview. GQ – Which Phonics scheme is being used. R – We are using Little Wandle. It is very prescriptive, as was the training. We are already seeing the results though. A lot of staff time is spent on Early Years Reading. |
10 | Schools Financial Value Standard. | For newer governors HT explained what the SFVS was for. The return must be submitted to the LA by 31 March 2022. It is on the agenda because we do not have another GB meeting scheduled before the end of March. Unfortunately, the SFVS has not yet been completed, but it will be by the end of March. A short remote GB meeting will be arranged to review and agree the SFVS before submission after it has been scrutinised by the Resources Committee. | |
11 | School Improvement Plan. | The details are contained in the HT report. It has been the aim to keep the plan relatively simple. It was agreed that the School Improvement Committee will look at the plan in more detail. | |
12 | Safeguarding. | There were no incidents to discuss. HT confirmed that the Single Central Record was up to date. |
13 | SEND update. | Governors reviewed a report prepared by Mrs Burnett, for which she was thanked.
GQ – Have you any Educational Health Care Plan applications being processed at present. R – No. There may be one to start after Easter. It was noted that Mrs Burnett has settled into her new role as SENCo and that non-teaching time was allowed for the role. GQ – It is good that you managed to get a Speech and Language Therapist to visit the school. How did that go. R – It was a valuable visit. Exercises were worked through, some of which were quite lengthy. The results were very good. |
14 | Reports from committees. | School Improvement Committee
Jen Ward explained that there had been useful contact with the Mental Health in Schools Team. The Facebook pages were discussed, covered earlier by David Alexander. The parent survey has been carried out. The final results need to be collated. GQ – What sort of response would we normally expect to a parent survey. R – For the Ofsted survey we got 100 responses. With over 70 that is positive. The deadline for the survey is 11 February 2022. Early results are that 100% agree that their child feels happy and safe in school. 97% believe that the children are well behaved. The response is 75% positive concerning clubs and activities in school. GQ – Do you think the school club answer is down to availability over the past two years. R – Yes, that may account for it. Resources Committee David Alexander outlined the outcome of the meeting. There was an action to look at an app that can be used to log on to the school CCTV system. Correspondence is taking place to access the app and conduct a trial. The new boiler has been installed and is up and running. Two staff have been trained to use the boiler control system. The boiler is currently controlled remotely by NYCC Energy Team. Additional staff will be trained to operate the system. Energy charges will be kept under review. GQ – Are you prepared for the energy price rises in April. R – We will be signing a new 3-year contract. The new boilers should be much more energy efficient and they have better control systems. It was noted that the nursery fence still needs to be repaired, and will be arranged this term. |
15 | Property and Health and Safety update. | HT informed governors that Dale Barton visited last term and is also visiting again next week. He will be holding a staff meeting. | |
16 | Governor monitoring. | David Alexander reported on a visit to the school. He noted that the children were very friendly and confident speaking to an adult.
It was agreed that the focus of the next round of governor visits would be Wellbeing. Next term the area to concentrate on will be Outdoor Learning. |
17 | Policies. | Educational Visits Policy
The policy was circulated to governors before the meeting. HT confirmed that the policy had been updated following completion of Evolve training. There were no amendments suggested. Approval of the policy was proposed by Katie Harrison, seconded by David Alexander, and agreed by all. |
18 | Governor training. | HT shared the latest version of the NGA skills audit form. Governors were asked to complete the questionnaire. The completed forms will be emailed to David Alexander to collate. The results will be discussed at the next GB meeting. It was agreed that the outcome of the audit will be used to inform decisions when filling future vacancies on the GB. The Skills Audit will be an item on the next GB agenda. |
ACTION: All; Complete the NGA Skills Audit and email to David Alexander. Completion date – 28 February 2022.
ACTION: David Alexander; Collate the responses to the NGA Skills Audit and share with governors. Completion date – next GB meeting. |
19 | To deal with matters agreed for consideration under item 4. | The Chair informed governors that she would like to arrange a social event for governors and staff. This would be good for wellbeing and allow governors and staff to get together after all the disruption caused by Covid. It was proposed that a Motivational Speaker could be hired for the event. Governors discussed the format and arrangements for the event.
It was agreed that a date would be arranged and governors and staff notified. HT agreed to discuss with the school staff. |
20 | Correspondence. | None | |
21 | How has this meeting impacted on the welfare and progress of our pupils and staff. | Governors have agreed to complete a skills audit.
A social event has been agreed for wellbeing. The governor monitoring plan is agreed for the rest of the year. Approved an important school policy. |
22 | Date of next meeting. | The next meeting of the Governing Body will be on Wednesday 11th May 2022 at 7:00 pm. | |
Closure | There being no other business the Chair closed the meeting at 8:25 pm. |