Minutes of the Governing Body of Ingleton Primary School

held on Wednesday, June 3rd 2020 at 7.30pm by Zoom

Core functions:
• Setting strategic direction
• Holding Headteacher to account for educational performance
• Ensuring financial health, probity and value for money

Present: David Alexander (DA), Rachel Clements (RC), Joanna Colledge Headteacher (JC), Katie Harrison
(KH), Rowan Knapton (RK), Jenny Thistlethwaite Chair (JT), Jane Walker (JW), Jenny Ward (JW).

In attendance: Jen Middleton as Observer, Barry Heslop (BH) Clerk.

No. Item Minute Action
1 Welcome and Introductions. The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. A warm welcome was extended to Jane Walker the new LA Governor and to David Alexander who was elected as Parent Governor.
2 Apologies for absence and to determine whether any absences should be consented to. The Chair announced that Rachael Shults had tendered her resignation as Governor with affect from June 2nd 2020 and was not in attendance at this meeting. There were no other absences.
3 Need to declare business and personal Interests. Governors were reminded to declare any business or personal interests. David Alexander declared that he has a business interest in the company installing the Health & Safety signage around the school.
4 To determine whether any part of the proceedings should be treated as
confidential and excluded from the minutes to be made available for public inspection.
None were proposed.
5 Notification of urgent other business previously notified to the Chair. The new Privacy Notice is for consideration by Governors and will be dealt with in item 14 below.
6 Progress on Election of Parent Governor. David Alexander was elected as Parent Governor on March 16th 2020.
7 To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 5th February 2020. The approval of the minutes of the FGB Meeting held on
February 5th 2020 was proposed by JW, seconded by KH and
approved unanimously by all Governors.
8 Matters arising from the minutes of 5th February 2020. The following points were highlighted from the minutes.

9. JT had contacted Julia Temple of NYCC to register IPS interest in the Clapham PS Portacabin, and asked to be advised of relocation costs. It is like these will be prohibitive as the costs of physically relocating the unit is greater than the value of the unit.

12. The Health & Safety signs have been obtained however installation has been delayed due to the coronavirus restrictions. These signs will be installed as soon as possible.

14. Governor training is to be arranged on site at an appropriate date. Safeguarding training to be arranged for both Jane Walker and David Alexander. Governors are to advise the Chair if they have a specific training requirement.


Chair &

9 Minutes of the Resources Meeting dated May 12th 2020. Minutes of the meeting & respective reports were distributed to Governors. The following points were highlighted.

The £17.5K deficit of the 2019/2020 Year End was mainly due to increased staffing costs but the results were actually £13k better off (less of a deficit) than originally forecasted.

The 5 Year Budget Forecast in year 2023/2024 has an in-year deficit due to lower pupil numbers and therefore lower revenue. There will be an exit of a large number of Y6 Pupils but a lower number expected of Reception & Y1 pupils. This is a conservative forecast and the actual in Year 2023/2024 may be different.

10 Approval of the 2019/2020 Year End Finance & Outturn Reports The 20129/2020 Year End Finance & Outturn Reports were
approved by all Governors.
12 Report from the Headteacher The Headteacher gave a verbal report allowing more focus on the key issues during the coronavirus restrictions. The HT gave a report on Home learning over the last weeks and invited questions from the Governors.

Home learning has been successful with all Staff working hard to deliver the program to pupils. There has been weekly contact between Staff and Parents. Home learning will continue with those pupils who will not return to school on June 4th 2020.

The latest Risk Assessment document in preparation of school re-opening was previously distributed.

Essential to the safe operation of the school is the model that Pupils must remain in a group of a maximum of 15 children with zero interaction with any other group, such a group is referred to as a ‘Bubble’. It has been determined that two ‘Bubbles’ can be safely operated at one time within the school.

The plan is for Pupils to be in school Monday & Tuesday, then Thursday & Friday with Wednesday reserved for the cleaning of the school. Year 6 will be the only year to start again on June 4th due to the following rationale;

  • They will be able to successfully socially distance.
  • The group is not too large.
  • They need to finish Primary School in the strongest position possible.
  • They will provide a good basis on which to prepare to bring in other Year groups.

Following Year 6, the next group during w/c June 8th 2020 will be year 4 with Reception. The plan is for every Year group to come back to school for a period of three weeks before summer holidays.

Q. Can we mix Year groups in the same Bubble?
A. It is recommended to have the same year group in the same bubble.

Q. Can the school provide a week at a time for each year group?
A. Yes and the plan is that the first three groups are Y6, Y4 and Reception.

Q. Have the Parents / Carers been asked for Feedback?
A. Yes, some have already replied, those not yet replied will be sent a reminder.

Q. What can be done if Parents / Carers who initially replied that they would not send their children in to school but change their minds?
A. Provision has been made and those of the allocated Year group can be accommodated.

Q. Why has Y5 not yet been accommodated in the early weeks of school re-opening?
A. Y5 is a large group size of 30 pupils, so more difficult to accommodate in the restricted two ‘Bubbles’. In addition, not many Y5 Parents / Carers have replied that they wish to send their children back to school. Government advice may change in the next two weeks and restrictions may ease which will allow for Y5 in full to return to school.

There will be communication from the Headteacher to Parents / Carers to advise and explain on the priority in Year groups returning to school.

The Headteacher will address the feedback received from Parent Governors that not all Teachers are communicating directly online with pupils.

Q. When communicating online with children, is there a safer conferencing platform other than Zoom?
A. The school is purchasing Google suite of products which is considered safer that Zoom and this will be used for such online communication.

The Chair has inspected the school building and the social distancing arrangements including washing facilities and is satisfied that the school is well prepared for re-opening.

All Governors gave their sincere thanks to the Staff for their hard work over the last weeks and months. The Governors gave their full support to the Headteacher, Staff and Pupils for the wider re-opening on June 4th 2020.

13 Headteachers Performance Appraisal. The Headteacher’s appraisal has been completed and signed off by the external assessor. There will be a review meeting with the Appraisal Committee as soon as possible on a date to be arranged. Chair &
14 To deal with any matters agreed for consideration under item 5 above. The new Privacy Notice was considered and agreed by all Governors.
15 How has this meeting impacted on the welfare and progress of our pupils?. The welfare of Pupils, Teachers and Staff have been considered for the safe re-opening of the school on June 4th 2020 providing fair opportunities for the learning of all Pupils before the summer holidays. The meeting has considered the past financial year results and advanced the future financial health of the School.
16 Dates of next meetings. The date of the next FGB meeting will be on Wednesday July 8th 2020 at 7:30 PM by Zoom.
Closure The meeting was closed at 21.05 hrs.