Minutes of the Governing Body of Ingleton Primary School

held on Wednesday, May 16th 2018 at 6.30pm at the school

Present: Mrs D Barry, Mrs J Colledge, Mrs R Clements, Mrs J Thistlethwaite, Mrs C Lis, Mrs K Harrison, Mrs R Shults, Mrs A Ellwood, Ms S Brook, Mrs J Ward

In attendance:Mrs M Hartnell (Clerk)

Q – Question
A – Answer

No. Item Minute Action
1 Welcome 1.1 The Chair welcomed all to the meeting.
2 Apologies for absence and to
determine whether absences
should be consented to.
2.1 Apologies received from K Hayton, new governor, accepted by all as she was not a governor at the time the meeting was planned.
3 To remind governors of the rules of confidentiality & the need to declare interests, pecuniary or non-pecuniary.
To determine whether any part of the proceedings should be treated as confidential and excluded from the minutes to be made available for public inspection.
3.1 The Chair reminded all of the need for confidentiality at all times.
3.2 No declarations of interest, pecuniary or otherwise in respect of items on this agenda.
3.3 It was stated that there were no confidential items within the agenda which would not be available for public inspection.
4 Introduction of new governor 4.1 Karen Hayton is now a co-opted governor and attended the Governor Induction Training which took place on Tuesday 24th April.
5 To approve as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting of the Governing Body Meeting held on 7th February 2018. 5.1 Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated prior to the meeting and approved by all as a true record.
6 To consider matters arising from the minutes for which there is no separate agenda item. 6.1 Q: Have any maths lessons for parents been planned yet?
A: Plans are being made for these to take place in the next half-term.

Q: What is the progress with B4RN?
A: NYCC have authorised access for the cables to cross the school field and ducting has been laid ready for the fibre optic cables.
6.2 The chair and clerk have been looking at policies and produced a spreadsheet of all policies and renewal dates. Polices will be allocated to sub-committees for renewal as

7 Other Urgent Governor Business 7.1 No other urgent business.
8 HT Report – including School Development Plan and school standards, staffing, SEND, pupil update and staff appraisal 8.1 HT report circulated to all prior to meeting. Both heads attended SEF training last week which was very informative, they are now currently updating in line with latest Ofsted framework and this should be completed by the start of next term, a copy will be forwarded to all governors on completion.
8.2 School Development Plan – this was circulated to all prior to meeting, along with subject specific plans. Staff are asked for contributions to ensure all that needs doing is
made clear.
8.3 Data – Attainment data included with the report will be discussed in detail at the School Improvement Committee meeting next month along with regional and national
comparisons, this version includes more reception data. The transition of data from Target Tracker to Scholar Pack is now complete and was very smooth. There is still a need to close the gap for PP and SEND pupils (which is currently a regional and national trend), this is being closely monitored and addressed. Both high and middle achievers are doing very well.
Q: How is the new system matching up?
A: When we have this year’s data we will have three years to compare, giving a better picture and the new DfE data dashboard is much clearer.
Q: How is the progression of Reception children assessed?
A: This is done using the Early Learning Goals and is moderated by the LA.
Q: Can the data be shown on a screen for the next SI Committee meeting?
A: Definitely, this will be arranged.
RC has qualified as a moderator for KS1 and will be
receiving dates to carryout moderation at other schools.
We should hear next week if we are being moderated.
8.4 SEND – There are currently 23 SEND pupils within school, which is in line with national statistics. Currently one pupil has an EHCP pending and there may be one more to request.
8.5 Attendance – currently at 96.2%, in line with national average.
Q: What is the reason for a lower percentage in year 1?
A: One persistent absentee is lowering the figure for the year group. However, year 1 also shows a dip in the national picture.
8.6 Action Plans – circulated to all. Queries regarding these
will go to the School Improvement Committee.
8.7 HTs asked if there were any further questions relating to
the report:
Q: What was the outcome of the Grounds Maintenance Survey?
A: Much improved due to new contractor.
Q: What is the Building Conditions Survey?
A: This is carried out annually by NYCC to ensure no major problems or changes to condition of building, nothing was flagged up during this visit.
Q: What was the outcome of the H & S visit?
A: Only a couple of minor issued flagged up, which have now been addressed.
Q: Has any staff training been carried out recently?
A: CDP budget was cut last year but all subject leaders for Maths, English and Science continue to attend the termly network meetings, they then feed information back to all
staff. Lots of training has taken place in school, this year the big push has been on writing and there have been three training sessions for staff with other local schools.
Q: Do we need to offer more support to staff?
A: Training is planned in line with appraisals and where deemed necessary.
Q: What are SATS boosters?
A: This is extra support given to vulnerable children and those who need intervention. 

SI Committee

9 Pupil Premium 9.1 When all the end of year data is available we will be able to see how the way in which the funding has been spent has impacted on the attainment of those pupils. Funding has been also used to provide an extra GTA in year 1 until the end of the summer term, this has proved beneficial and should carry on for the autumn term (with the same cohort), this will then be reviewed.
10 Sports Premium 10.1 The extra funding is a great opportunity and there is lots on the action plan. There are restrictions in how the funding can be spent and this has been addressed. All information is available on the school website. Swimming at Ingleton Pool will start after half term and will include year 2 pupils for the first time.

Q: Is the funding being used to upskill staff?
A: Yes. Some of the funding is being used to buy in specialist coaches who are working alongside school staff to increase their knowledge and skills, this is having a good

Governors thanked school staff for the wide range of clubs
and opportunities available for pupils, including those not
sport related, as there is something for everyone. HTs will
pass on to staff.

11 To consider the Minutes, Reports
and Recommendations from the
11.1 Minutes circulated to all prior to meeting. Chair gave a brief outline. Parent questionnaires were sent out to all year groups and a good number of responses received, chair of committee has collated returns and will report on results at next committee meeting, this will then be fed back to FGB and to parents.
DB is currently undertaking “Thrive” training, to become a trainer, enabling her to upskill all school staff in the health and wellbeing of pupils. Next governor monitoring visit will be looking at health and wellbeing, governors are invited to come into school at break and lunchtimes to chat to pupils.
Q: What has been the impact of using the White Rose maths resources?
A: When all end of year data is available this will be reviewed and reported to governors.

All govs

12 To consider the Minutes,
Reports and Recommendations
from the Committee
12.1 Minutes, outturn reports and start budget circulated to all prior to meeting. Chair gave a brief outline. National Funding Formula is now in place and as a school we have
gained from it, however, the increase in the living wage and overall salary increases has impacted on staffing costs. All increases are written into the budget software so any future increases are also included in the figures. All agreed that we would like to keep Hayley Kellett (Settle College) as our Business Manager for another year, to be agreed with Settle College. 0.5 teacher for Y4 is being continued on a fixed term contract for one more year. CL agreed to take over role of H & S governor, all link governor roles will be reviewed at next committee meetings.

SI & Resources Committees

13 Closedown of Accounts and Start Budget 13.1 Outturn report shows an improved position on that originally expected, clearing the in-year deficit initially forecast and showing a good carry forward figure, putting us
in a strong position to start this financial year.
12.3 Start Budget 2018/19 – this currently shows an in year deficit but careful monitoring will hopefully eradicate this, as in 2017/18 budget. The five year forecast shows a gradual decrease in balances so need to monitor closely to maintain our current position as far as possible. We will shortly be advertising for an extra GTA to work one to one with a high needs pupil, this has already been included in the start budget. Start budget was approved by all. Clerk will inform HK (SBM) who will report this to the LA.
14 Health and Safety 14.1 The bee hive has now been installed in the school grounds. HT consulted with NYCC H&S Officer prior to this and a risk assessment has been completed. Parents have been informed and no negative feedback received. Currently no pupils with an allergy to bee stings, however, as a precaution school will hold an epipen.
14.2 Educational Visits training – this will be a full staff training for the September inset.
14.3 Prevent training for all governors was mentioned at the Governor Induction Training, clerk will look into this and ensure all compliant.


15 New Classroom 15.1 Governors met with Julia Temple, NYCC Strategic Planning Officer prior to this meeting, HTs will feed information back to staff and an extra-ordinary governors meeting will take place on Wednesday 6th June at 6.30pm for further discussion. All govs
16 Cleaning and Caretaking 16.1 Written notice has been given to North Yorkshire Facilities Management Building Cleaning Service. We were initially advised of a six month notice period but have discovered we were misinformed and this is actually twelve months, meaning we have to stay in the contract until 31st March 2019. We believe the level of service received from BCS is unsatisfactory and will take the cleaning and caretaking in house, hopefully employing our current caretaker/cleaner as a site supervisor. JC/DB
17 Catering 17.1 We are continuing to remain with North Yorkshire Facilities Management for Catering. Our cook, Zoe Gill, will be leaving at the end of the academic year, after 17 years of service, to take on the role of Catering Manager at Settle College, we wish her every success. Chair suggested sending flowers from Governors and will arrange. NYCC
are advertising for a cook and HTs have requested to be on the interview panel.


18 GDPR – Update 18.1 Clerk informed all that we have bought into the NYCC GDPR package provided by Veritau. We have been allocated a named GDP Officer who will come into school
and perform a data audit to ascertain what we need to do to be fully compliant. They also provide all information, action and templates to ensure compliancy. The current message is “Don’t Panic”. 25th May is not a hard deadline and as long as we have an action plan to prove we are working towards being compliant this will be sufficient and give time to get everything in place. An action plan will be compiled
following the visit.
18.2 Clerk, via Schools ICT, has set up a governor SharePoint group. This is secure cloud based document storage which is accessed through the NYCC Office 365 email system. Instructions for accessing this were passed to all. In future all governor documents will be uploaded here rather than sent via email. Each meeting will have a
dated folder on the system containing all relevant information. This is in line with GDPR guidelines. Clerk also advised governors that no documents should be downloaded to personal computers and private email addresses must not be used for governor business.
19 Governor Competency Framework Questionnaire and Skills Audit 19.1 All who attended the Governing Training held on 24th April agreed it was very informative and we will work to ensure all in line with Governor Competency Framework. Following the meeting a questionnaire was sent to all governors. These will be discussed further at the committee meetings.
19.2 Governor Skills Audit – all governors were given a form to complete at the last FGB meeting. All were returned the clerk collated the information onto one document to provide an overview of governor skills. The results were very pleasing, showing we have a very broad range of knowledge and skills, and no gaps. Further training will be
offered to governors if they feel it is necessary.
SI & Resources Committees
20 Governor’s Action Plan 20.1 This was mentioned at the training and is not something we currently have as we usually work alongside the School Development Plan. This will be looked into again at the first meeting of the next academic year and will fit in with SDP.
21 Any Other Business 21.1 Student Teacher – currently have a University of Cumbria student doing her 1st teaching placement in Class 1, all going very well.

21.2 SATs – thanks were given to all school staff for their
hard work preparing pupils for SATS and doing all they can
to avoid this being a stressful time for children, HTs will
pass on to staff. Children will be having fun games and
celebrations at the end of the week.
Q: Some schools have not entered pupils for SATS, has this ever been considered?
A: No.
Q: Have any parents requested that their child is withdrawn from taking the tests for their mental wellbeing?
A: This has never happened. We have lots of strategies in place to ensure this is made as stress free as possible and to deal with any vulnerable or over anxious children.
21.3 A letter has been received from Hannah Burnett (class 2 teacher) who returned from maternity leave in February. Hannah returned to work on a 0.8 contract until the end of the academic year but has asked if this can be continued permanently, although she has stated that she would eventually like to return to full time when her daughter is
older. Currently a supply teacher, Beth Evans, covers class 2 on Fridays.
Q: What is impact on the class?
A: This has worked very well and has received good feedback from parents.

All governors in agreement with accepting this request. Chair will respond by letter.
21.4 New Website – this is now up and running, it is easier for staff to update and maintain, and has received good feedback

22 Date of Next Meeting 22.1 Extra-ordinary Meeting – Wednesday 6th June at 6.30pm. This will be a one agenda item meeting to discuss the need for an extra classroom.
22.1 Next FGB Meeting – Wednesday 26th September at 6.30pm