Committee’s Booklet
Committees can make the work of the Governing Body more efficient, manageable and less time consuming.
Every governing body is free to establish those committees that it considers best suited to its needs. Governing bodies are encouraged to concentrate on policy and strategy, leaving much of the regular work to be dealt with by committees acting with delegated authority. This form of working has the considerable benefit of freeing the governing body to concentrate on school development and other strategic issues and helps to speed up the decision making process. Therefore, committees can make a significant contribution to the efficient working of governing bodies.
Establishment of Committees – An important issue for the first meeting of the Autumn Term
Committees must be established and/or reviewed at the first meeting of the governing body each autumn and decisions on the following aspects must be formally recorded in the minutes:
- the composition and membership of each committee (i.e. categories of governors and the named
individuals); - the terms of reference of each committee;
- the statutory functions (if any) that are to be delegated to each committee;
- committees with delegated statutory functions – whether the chair of a committee is to be elected by
- the committee or appointed by the governing body;
- The appointment of a clerk for each committee that has statutory functions delegated to it.
There are 4 committees that are strongly recommended:-Staff discipline, staff appeal, pupil discipline and complaints; but this does not exclude the Governing Body from having other committees as they see fit.
Good practice suggests that governing bodies form 2 committees:
- School Improvement Committee
- Resources Committee.
This approach is to be commended because it reduces the number of meetings for busy governors and streamlines further the business of the governing body especially in smaller schools. Governing Bodies need to have regard to the life/work balance of staff and Governors particularly when determining the number of committees and the scheduling of meetings. As many schools have retained more traditional committees, included in this document are suggested terms of reference for a variety of committees.
Staff and Parent Governors on Committees
The question arises sometimes as to whether staff governors should serve on committees dealing with personnel, pay and pupil disciplinary matters, or parent governors on pupil disciplinary matters. Some governing bodies take the view that it would be unfair to place staff or parents in a potentially invidious position. This is a matter for each individual governing body to decide because there is no legal bar to this. However, it should be noted that any governor who is paid to work at the school (with the exception of the Headteacher) must withdraw from a meeting when the subject under consideration is the pay or performance appraisal of any person employed at the school. The Headteacher need only withdraw when his/her own pay or performance appraisal is under review. This will need to be borne in mind when the governing body decides the membership of the committee dealing with personnel/pay, so that the committee remains quorate in the event of any of its members having to withdraw.
Potential Conflict of Interest
When appointing committees governing bodies should take into account potential conflicts of interest i.e. no person should be party to the decision making process, which will benefit him/her directly or indirectly.
A person must not vote on his/her own appointment or re-appointment as a member of a committee, or as clerk, chair or vice-chair.
Associate members may be appointed by the governing body to committees, provided that the majority of members of the committee are governors. Also, with certain exceptions, the governing body may give associate members, aged 18 or over, voting rights on committees.
Terms of Reference
Governing bodies must establish Terms of Reference for all of the committees they appoint. The Terms of Reference are those matters that the governing body wants the committee to deal with. Suggested Terms of Reference for a range of committees are given later in this guidance.
Delegation to Committees/Individuals
To function more efficiently and effectively governing bodies may decide to delegate (subject to some exceptions) certain matters to a committee (or an individual) thus giving the committee/individual the power to act on behalf of the governing body. However, the committee/individual must report to the governing body in respect of action taken or decisions made. Committees will normally cover this by submitted minutes.
The decisions taken by committees or individuals under delegated authority are, in essence, decisions of the governing body. The governing body has ultimate responsibility for those decisions. Accordingly, this delegated authority must be exercised in a responsible manner, or the governing body may withdraw the authority to act. Committees or individuals do not have to exercise their delegated authority. They may, quite properly, remit a matter to the governing body, with recommendations for consideration and action. Equally, the delegation of any statutory function to a committee/individual does not fetter the right of the governing body to perform the functions that it has delegated.
What functions can be delegated?
Most statutory functions can be delegated to committees or to individuals but there are some rules.
The following functions cannot be delegated to either a committee or to an individual:
- any functions relating to the constitution of the governing body (unless otherwise provided for by the Constitution Regulations);
- the appointment or removal of the Chair and Vice-Chair;
- the appointment of the clerk to the governing body;
- the suspension of governors;
- the delegation of functions;
- the establishment of committees;
- the appointment of clerk(s) to the committee(s).
The following functions can be delegated to a committee, but they cannot be delegated to an individual.
- functions relating to the alteration, closure or change of category of maintained schools;
- functions relating to the approval of the first formal budget plan of the financial year;
- functions relating to school discipline policies;
- functions relating to the exclusions of pupils (except in an emergency, when the Chair has power to exercise these functions);
- functions relating to admissions;
Membership of Committees
All governors are eligible to serve on any committee, except that the Headteacher may not be a member of the Pupil Discipline Committee or the Staff Discipline Committee or the Staff Discipline Appeal Committee. These particular committees are no longer Statutory Committees but it is strongly recommended that they are established each year even if they are never called upon to meet. The number of governors on each committee is a matter for each governing body to determine subject to the rules on quorums. The number and membership of each committee should be clearly recorded in the minutes of the Governing Body.
Right to attend Committees
Members of committees, the Headteacher (if not a member of the committee) and the clerk to the committee have the right to attend committee meetings.
In addition, the committee may allow any other person to attend its meetings. Associate members may be excluded from any part of a committee meeting when the item of business concerns an individual member of staff or pupil.
Meetings of Committees
Meetings of committees should be scheduled annually, so that everyone knows when meetings are to take place and can place them in their diaries. It is important that meetings of committees and of the governing body should be co-ordinated to enable the approved draft minutes and recommendations of committees to be considered by the governing body without undue delay.
Meetings should be conducted as formally as meetings of the governing body. The quorum for any committee meeting and for any vote must be at least three governors who are members of the committee, or more, as determined by the committee.
Every question to be decided at a committee meeting must be determined by a majority of votes of those governors and associate members (if they have been given voting rights) present and voting. For every decision taken there must be a majority of governors present at the meeting.
Associate members cannot vote on any decision concerning admissions, pupil discipline, election or appointment of governors, or the budget and financial commitments of the governing body.
If there is an equal number of votes cast, the Chair (or person acting as Chair), provided that person is a governor, has a second (or casting) vote. The committee can only vote if the majority of the committee members present are governors.
Draft minutes of committee meetings should be approved by the Chair and submitted to the next governing body meeting.
If there is insufficient time to submit the minutes, then the Chair should give an oral report of the proceedings of the committee meeting. Approved draft minutes must be presented to the next succeeding meeting of the committee for formal approval and then signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Minutes should record those attending, date, time and place of the meeting, any decisions taken, action points and recommendations to be made to the governing body (if any).
Trust to Act
Governing bodies must trust committees; it is not good practice for the governing body to re-run committee meetings at Governing Body meetings. Only if the committee has acted outside its terms of reference or delegated authority should decisions be reviewed by the full governing body. If a governing body wishes to rescind a decision taken under delegated authority, and it is possible to do so, then a specific item should be placed on the agenda for a full meeting of the Governing Body.
Clerks to Committees
The Governing Body must appoint a clerk for each committee that has statutory functions delegated to it. A Governor may be appointed as the clerk to a committee, but the Headteacher cannot. In the event of the clerk not attending a committee meeting, the Governors present at the meeting may appoint a member of the committee (but not the Headteacher) to act as clerk for that meeting.
Declarations of Interest
The same rules for declaring interests apply to committee meetings as they do to meetings of the governing body.
The following terms of reference are based on the assumption that the Governing Body has delegated the powers and responsibilities associated with the statutory and other functions specified in the terms of reference. They are offered only as suggestions for consideration by the governing body and account should be taken of the particular needs and circumstances of the school and it’s Governing Body. Consequently it is suggested that Governing Bodies make it clear in their own pre-amble to the committee terms of reference what items, if any, have not been delegated to a particular committee.
The following five committees are required for specific purposes and although they may not be required to meet each year in all schools they should be kept up to date for times when they will have to meet for HR purposes or to hear complaints etc.
1. Staff Discipline Committee (Strongly Recommended)
Membership: Any three governors (or more) as available, excluding the Head Teacher, staff Governors and the Chair of Governors
- It is recommended that Associate Members should not be appointed to this Committee.
- The Headteacher and the Corporate Director – Children and Young People’s Service (or a representative) (in the case of potential dismissals) have a right to attend the meeting and offer advice.
Quorum: Three governors
Terms of Reference:
- To consider matters relating to staff discipline;
- To determine whether an employee should cease to work at the school;
- Should the need arise, and in consultation with staff, to draft and review policies for redundancy and other terminations for approval by the Governing Body and to establish criteria for selection;
- To apply the agreed criteria in the selection of staff for redundancy or other terminations.
2. Staff Discipline Appeals Committee (Strongly Recommended)
Membership: The same number (but not the same governors) as the Staff Discipline Committee making the initial decision again excluding the Head teacher, staff Governors and the Chair of Governors
- It is recommended that Associate Members should not be appointed to this Committee.
- The Headteacher and the Corporate Director, Children and Young People’s Service (or a representative) (in the case of dismissals) has a right to attend the meeting and offer advice.
Quorum: Three governors
Terms of Reference:
- To hear appeals against initial decisions of the Staff Discipline Committee or the Headteacher about matters relating to the discipline of staff, dismissal of staff, other terminations or staff redundancy in accordance with the adopted policies;
- To uphold or dismiss an appeal.
3. Pupil Discipline Committee (Strongly Recommended)
Membership: It is recommended that membership should be any three members of the Governing Body excluding staff Governors
- The Headteacher shall not be a member of the committee.
- It is recommended that Associate Members should not be appointed to this committee.
Quorum: Three governors
Terms of Reference: (a) For any exclusion, either fixed term of more than five days or ten lunchtimes in any one term or permanent or where exclusion would result in the loss of an opportunity to take any public examination:
- To consider the actions of the Headteacher in excluding the pupil;
- To consider representations made by parents and by the LA;
- To determine whether the pupil should be re-instated immediately, re-instated by a particular date or not re-instated.
(b) In the case of a fixed-period exclusion which would result in the pupil being excluded from the school for a total of 5 days or less in any one term to consider representations made by parent(s).
4. School Complaints Panel (Strongly Recommended)
(Note: The establishment of a Complaints Policy for the school is a statutory requirement. A copy of the full model Complaints Policy is available on the Red Bag or under Governance).
Membership: 3 Governors as available excluding staff governors, the Head teacher, and the Chair of Governors.
Quorum: Three Governors
Meetings: As and when necessary
Terms of reference:
- To determine an appeal of any formal complaint made pursuant to the school’s formal complaints
procedure; - To consider and review the schools’ formal complaints procedure and make recommendations to the Personnel Committee.
5. Admissions Committee (This committee is only required in Voluntary Aided and Foundation Schools)
Membership: Three (or more) governors and the Headteacher
- If the Headteacher is not a governor s/he can still vote on any proposed admission.
- Associate Members are eligible to be members of the Committee but cannot be given voting rights.
Quorum: Three Governors
Terms of Reference
- To prepare, adopt and review admission arrangements for the school;
- To consult upon and publish the admission arrangements;
- To decide which children should be admitted to the school in accordance with the published admission criteria and arrangements.
The next two committees is an alternative model for schools. The terms of reference are suggestions only as they draw together the duties from previous committees. Each school should review these delegations and decide which suggestions would most suit their requirements.
1. Resources Committee.
Not less than 4 Governors including the Head teacher. Associate Members are eligible for this committee, but may be excluded from any part of a committee meeting when the item of business concerns an individual member of staff or pupil. Associate members cannot vote on any decision concerning admissions, pupil discipline, election or appointment of governors, or the budget and financial commitments of the governing body.
Quorum: Three Governors
Meetings: Minimum of one per term.
Terms of Reference
Ensure sound management of the school’s financial situation by monitoring and evaluating the School’s financial performance
- Establish regular reporting procedures and make recommendations, where necessary (including virement proposals), to the Governing Body.
- Ensure the school development plan is fully costed and provides a sound basis for long term financial planning.
- Give consideration to the initial budget and long term financial plans and make recommendations to the Governing Body.
- Ensure that the school complies with the latest principles of good practice.
- Ensure that regular (at least annual) financial self-evaluation (including the use of local and national financial benchmarking data) is undertaken
- Regularly review the school’s policy on its level of balances and make recommendations, as appropriate, to the Governing Body.
- To evaluate the quality, cost and impact of services purchased from all outside providers, including the North Yorkshire County Council Children and Young People’s Service, before contracts are renewed.
- To consider the priorities for use of the Devolved Capital Funding made available to the school and to make recommendations to the Governing Body.
- To consider the annual insurance requirements and make recommendations to the Governing Body.
- To receive the report of the Authority’s auditors and to act upon any recommendations made therein.
- Determine the school’s charging policy.
- To carry out an annual review of the schools Budget Management Policy and to make recommendations to the Governing Body.
- To provide support and guidance for the Head teacher on all matters relating to the school premises;
- To prepare and maintain, in conjunction with the Head teacher, an Asset Management Plan for the school;
- To inspect the school premises annually and prepare a report of the conditions and a proposed order of priorities for maintenance, improvement and development;
- To approve the costs and arrangements for maintenance, repairs and redecoration, within the allocated budget and to oversee the preparation and implementation of building contracts;
- To formulate and implement proposals for the use of the Devolved Formula Capital;
- To prepare, monitor and review an Accessibility Plan, which will meet the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001;
- To agree procedures to be followed for carrying out emergency work and to make recommendations to the Governing Body about delegation to the Head teacher for taking appropriate action on behalf of the Governing Body in the event of an emergency;
- To be aware of the specific responsibilities of Governors and the LA in relation to premises and ensure that the LA is informed of any matters for which it has responsibility. Also, to monitor these issues and take appropriate action where necessary.
- To report the findings of inspections and audits to the Head teacher and liaise with him/her to ensure that appropriate remedial action is taken;
- To regularly monitor the school’s security measures and implement appropriate action when necessary;
- To liaise and consult with the NYCC’s Corporate Property Landlord Unit and Jacobs UK, as appropriate;
- To discharge the responsibilities of the Governing Body regarding litter and refuse under the Environmental Protection Act 1990;
- To prepare, adopt, implement and review, a plan for the reduction, re-use, refurbishment or recycling of waste;
- To prepare and adopt a lettings policy and to oversee the implementation of the policy;
- In consultation with the Finance Committee; to consider the reports and recommendations of the Health & Safety Committee and to authorise such action as is necessary to meet the health & safety obligations of the Governing Body in respect of premises;
- To ensure adequate consideration is given to energy and monitor and record energy and utility bills to support sustainability and water conservation for the whole building’s lifespan.
- To “procure” the services of consultants and contractors having regard to the LMS procedure rules.
- To be aware of the specific responsibilities of Governors and the LA in relation to risk management
- To assist the Governing Body and the Head teacher to discharge their duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and other associated legislation, in collaboration with the LA;
- To consider the LA’s health & safety policies and guidance, and to prepare a School Health & Safety Policy, for consideration by the Governing Body;
- To ensure that the necessary school safety management system is in place to implement the health & safety policy;
- To ensure that risk assessments are carried out and implemented;
- To monitor the effectiveness of the school’s health and safety arrangements and performance;
- To review any health and safety reports from the Head teacher;
- To make periodic recorded inspections of buildings, plant, materials and equipment, and report to the Premises Committee at least annually, to ensure that the premises are safe and do not put the health of persons at risk whilst they are on the premises;
- To ensure that they have access to competent persons to assist the school with their health & safety
measures; - To attend or commission appropriate training for Governors and staff.
2. School Improvement Committee.
Membership: not less than four Governors including the Head teacher. Associate Members are eligible for this Committee but there are restrictions to voting rights given to them.
Quorum: Three Governors
Terms of reference:
- To advise the Governing Body on its statutory obligations relating to the curriculum;
- To keep under review the school’s curriculum policy and make recommendations to the Governing Body as and when appropriate;
- To monitor, evaluate and review the implementation of the curriculum policy;
- To prepare, adopt and review the policy and provision for religious education and collective worship and where necessary make recommendations to the Governing Body;
- To prepare, adopt and review the policy and provision for sex education and where necessary make recommendations to the Governing Body;
- To prepare, adopt and review the policy and provision for careers education and work related learning and where necessary make recommendations to the governing body;
- To ensure that the requirements of pupils with special educational needs are met so far as is reasonably practicable;
- To monitor, review and publish the assessment and public examination information required for publication under statutory requirements;
- To support curriculum development and associated staff continuous professional development, within the financial limitations set by the Finance Committee;
- To contribute to the school improvement plan and planning process as required;
- To consider and determine complaints relating to the curriculum;
- To prepare, adopt and monitor the implementation of the staff performance management policy;
- To review the performance of the Leadership Group and all staff salaries annually, as required by the regulations contained in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document, and implement any matters arising there from;
- To liaise with the Finance Committee to establish the annual and long-term salary budgets and other costs relating to personnel, e.g. staff development;
- To prepare, adopt and review the school’s Pay Policy, including criteria relating to the use of discretionary elements for pay provisions;
- To review the staffing structure, at least annually, in relation to priorities for school improvement;
- To undertake any formal consultations on staffing matters;
- To prepare and adopt a general complaints policy, procedure and information leaflet for parents. (It is appreciated that this is not strictly a personnel function, but a Governing Body is required to have a complaints procedure. As complaints generally involve the alleged actions of school staff, it is felt that it is appropriate to include this in the remit of the Personnel Committee);
- To liaise closely with the LA’s relevant officer on all personnel issues required by statute and good practice;
- To liaise and consult with the Finance Committee on any decisions that require a spending commitment over and above the agreed budget provision;
- To prepare and adopt procedures for the appointment of school staff, in line with The School Staffing Regulations 2003 and any subsequent amendments hereto;
- To prepare, adopt, monitor and review all staffing policies and procedures relating to staffing adjustments; recruitment and selection; equal opportunities; employee relations; conduct and capability; grievance; dismissal and similar employment related matters;
- To attend or commission appropriate training for Governors
Where a school is in need of improvement or has received a “level 3” or below judgement from Ofsted the following terms of reference may help to quickly form a Committee to focus on rapid development.
Rapid Improvement Committee (Focus on schools in special measures)
Terms of Reference:
To hold to account the Head Teacher and others responsible for delivering the LA Support Plan or any other actions to lift the School out of special measures.
To monitor and evaluate:
- The Post Ofsted School Development Plan and LA Support Plan by means of progress through the “milestones”.
- Pupil performance data alongside comprehensive comparative data from other schools.
- Feedback from lesson observations (from both head teacher and others).
- Implementation of the Teaching and Learning Policy and associated policies.
- Progress with School Evaluation Framework.
- To oversee communications with parents and community through newsletters, school website and other formats.
Your school may have decided to retain the more traditional committees so here are the suggested terms of reference:
1. Finance Committee:
Membership: Not less than five Governors including the Headteacher. Associate Members are eligible for this committee, but see page 5 about restrictions to voting rights given to them.
Quorum: Three Governors
Meetings: Once per term and more frequently if required.
Terms of Reference:
- Ensure sound management of the school’s financial situation by monitoring and evaluating the School’s financial performance using the Financial Management Standard and Toolkit.
- Establish regular reporting procedures and make recommendations, where necessary (including virement proposals), to the Governing Body.
- Ensure the school development plan is fully costed and provides a sound basis for long term financial planning.
- Give consideration to the initial budget and long term financial plans and make recommendations to the Governing Body.
- Ensure that the school complies with the principles of Best Value in using the resources available to the school
- Ensure that regular (at least annual) financial self-evaluation (including the use of local and national financial benchmarking data) is undertaken
- Regularly review the school’s policy on its level of balances and make recommendations, as appropriate, to the Governing Body.
- To evaluate the quality, cost and impact of services purchased from all outside providers, including the North Yorkshire County Council Children and Young People’s Service, before contracts are renewed.
- To consider the priorities for use of the Devolved Capital Funding made available to the school and to
make recommendations to the Governing Body. - To consider the annual insurance requirements and make recommendations to the Governing Body.
- To receive the report of the Authority’s auditors and to act upon any recommendations made therein.
- Determine the school’s charging policy.
- To carry out an annual review of the schools Budget Management Policy and to make
recommendations to the Governing Body. - To attend or commission appropriate training for Governors.
2. Personnel Committee:
Membership: Not less than four Governors (the Headteacher, irrespective of whether or not s/he has opted not to be a Governor has the right to attend in an advisory capacity). Associate Members are eligible for this committee but see page 5 about restrictions to voting rights given to them.
Quorum: Three Governors
Meetings: Once per term and otherwise as required
Terms of Reference
- To prepare, adopt and monitor the implementation of the staff performance management policy;
- To review the performance of the Leadership Group and all staff salaries annually, as required by the regulations contained in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document, and implement any matters arising there from;
- To liaise with the Finance Committee to establish the annual and long-term salary budgets and other costs relating to personnel, e.g. staff development;
- To prepare, adopt and review the school’s Pay Policy, including criteria relating to the use of discretionary elements for pay provisions;
- To review the staffing structure, at least annually, in relation to priorities for school improvement;
- To undertake any formal consultations on staffing matters;
- To prepare and adopt a general complaints policy, procedure and information leaflet for parents. (It is appreciated that this is not strictly a personnel function, but a Governing Body is required to have a complaints procedure. As complaints generally involve the alleged actions of school staff, it is felt that it is appropriate to include this in the remit of the Personnel Committee);
- To liaise closely with the LA’s relevant officer on all personnel issues required by statute and good practice;
- To liaise and consult with the Finance Committee on any decisions that require a spending commitment over and above the agreed budget provision;
- To prepare and adopt procedures for the appointment of school staff, in line with The School Staffing Regulations 2003 and any subsequent amendments hereto;
- To prepare, adopt, monitor and review all staffing policies and procedures relating to staffing adjustments; recruitment and selection; equal opportunities; employee relations; conduct and capability; grievance; dismissal and similar employment related matters;
- To attend or commission appropriate training for Governors
3. Premises Committee
Membership: Not less than five Governors including the Headteacher. Associate Members are eligible for this committee but see page 5 about restrictions to voting rights given to them.
Quorum: Three Governors
Meetings: Once per term and more frequently if required.
Terms of reference:
- To provide support and guidance for the Headteacher on all matters relating to the school premises;
- To prepare and maintain, in conjunction with the Headteacher, an Asset Management Plan for the school;
- To inspect the school premises annually and prepare a report of the conditions and a proposed order of priorities for maintenance, improvement and development;
- To approve the costs and arrangements for maintenance, repairs and redecoration, within the
allocated budget and to oversee the preparation and implementation of building contracts; - To formulate and implement proposals for the use of the Devolved Formula Capital;
- To prepare, monitor and review an Accessibility Plan, which will meet the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001;
- To agree procedures to be followed for carrying out emergency work and to make recommendations to the Governing Body about delegation to the Headteacher for taking appropriate action on behalf of the Governing Body in the event of an emergency;
- To be aware of the specific responsibilities of Governors and the LA in relation to premises and ensure that the LA is informed of any matters for which it has responsibility. Also, to monitor these issues and take appropriate action where necessary.
- To report the findings of inspections and audits to the Headteacher and liaise with him/her to ensure that appropriate remedial action is taken;
- To regularly monitor the school’s security measures and implement appropriate action when necessary;
- To liaise and consult with the NYCC’s Corporate Property Landlord Unit and Jacobs UK, as appropriate;
- To discharge the responsibilities of the Governing Body regarding litter and refuse under the
Environmental Protection Act 1990; - To prepare, adopt, implement and review, a plan for the reduction, re-use, refurbishment or recycling of waste;
- To prepare and adopt a lettings policy and to oversee the implementation of the policy;
- In consultation with the Finance Committee; to consider the reports and recommendations of the Health & Safety Committee and to authorise such action as is necessary to meet the health & safety obligations of the Governing Body in respect of premises;
- To liaise and consult with the Finance Committee on any decisions that require a spending
commitment over and above agreed budget provision; - To attend or commission appropriate training for Governors.
- To ensure adequate consideration is given to energy and water conservation for the whole building’s
lifespan. - To monitor and record energy and utility bills to support sustainability
- To “procure” the services of consultants and contractors having regard to the LMS procedure rules.
- To be aware of the specific responsibilities of Governors and the LA in relation to risk management
4. Curriculum Committee
Membership: not less than five Governors including the Headteacher. Associate Members are eligible for this Committee but see page 5 about restrictions to voting rights given to them.
Quorum: Three Governors
Terms of reference:
- To advise the Governing Body on its statutory obligations relating to the curriculum;
- To keep under review the school’s curriculum policy and make recommendations to the Governing Body as and when appropriate;
- To monitor, evaluate and review the implementation of the curriculum policy;
- To prepare, adopt and review the policy and provision for religious education and collective worship and where necessary make recommendations to the Governing Body;
- To prepare, adopt and review the policy and provision for sex education and where necessary make recommendations to the Governing Body;
- To prepare, adopt and review the policy and provision for careers education and work related learning and where necessary make recommendations to the governing body;
- To ensure that the requirements of pupils with special educational needs are met so far as is reasonably practicable;
- To monitor, review and publish the assessment and public examination information required for publication under statutory requirements;
- To support curriculum development and associated staff continuous professional development, within the financial limitations set by the Finance Committee;
- To contribute to the school improvement plan and planning process as required;
- To attend or commission appropriate training for governors.
5. Health & Safety Committee
Membership: At least 4 Governors, including the Headteacher. Associate Members are eligible for this Committee, but see page 5 about restrictions on voting rights given to them. Staff Safety Representatives should be included as Associate Members, unless they have a separate committee.
Quorum: Three Governors
Meetings: Once per term and more frequently if required.
Terms of reference:
- To assist the Governing Body and the Headteacher to discharge their duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and other associated legislation, in collaboration with the LA;
- To consider the LA’s health & safety policies and guidance, and to prepare a School Health & Safety Policy, for consideration by the Governing Body;
- To ensure that the necessary school safety management system is in place to implement the health & safety policy;
- To ensure that risk assessments are carried out and implemented;
- To monitor the effectiveness of the school’s health and safety arrangements and performance;
- To review any health and safety reports from the Headteacher;
- To make periodic recorded inspections of buildings, plant, materials and equipment, and report to the Premises Committee at least annually, to ensure that the premises are safe and do not put the health of persons at risk whilst they are on the premises;
- To ensure that they have access to competent persons to assist the school with their health & safety measures;
- To attend or commission appropriate training for Governors and staff.
Other Governing Body Groups
Working Parties and Task Groups
The Governing Body or committees may establish other groups such as a working party or a task group, to look at a specific matter. These are less formal than committees and do not have delegated authority. Any such group must report back to the Governing Body or originating committee on its work and is usually disbanded once its work has been completed.
Headteacher Performance Management
Each year the Governing Body must appoint either two or three Governors to be the “appointed Governors” to performance manage the Head Teacher. However, this group is not classed as a committee. Staff Governors are not eligible to be appointed to the performance management group. In schools with a religious character at least one of the group must be a Foundation Governor. Where the Governing Body of a voluntary aided school appoints two Governors one of them must be a foundation governor of the school. Where they have appointed three Governors, a minimum of two of them must be Foundation Governors.
The role of the School Improvement Adviser in Head Teacher performance management where a school has an SIA appointed to a school the Governing Body should include them as a focal point in the appraisal team for the Head Teacher. Where an SIA is not in place then the Governing Body should seek external advice on Head Teacher appraisal.