- All about me
- Autumn
- What’s in your bag?
- Autumn walk
Parents events
- Home visits
T4W Story
- Nursery Rhymes
- Percy the Parkkeeper
Personal, Social, Emotional Development
- Make relationships with staff and children in the class
- Understand the boundaries within the classroom and become familiar with our behaviour policy through modelled behaviour
- Children become familiar with the environment
Communication and language
Throughout the year children will:
- Learn to speak with confidence during circle/carpet times
- Learn to listen and respond appropriately with relevant comments, questions or actions
- Have opportunities to have conversations and develop vocal sound formation in doing this
- To respond to instructions and directions through adult initiated/led and child led activities
- Use appropriate story language to re-enact/re-tell simple and familiar stories
- Learn new vocabulary relating to topics
Physical Development
Throughout the year children will:
- Move confidently in a range of different ways on different levels at varying speeds during multi-skills and outdoor provision
- Build up confidence when balancing during gymnastics and outdoor provision
- To be confident when mark making, holding tools appropriately and practicing name writing throughout the whole year
- Become independent with toileting/coats/snack time
- Children to recite numbers in order using a range of number songs
- To show an interest in numbers in the environment
- To show an interest in shapes in the environment and use these during play
Throughout the year children will:
- Be provided with mark making opportunities throughout all aspects of the indoors and outdoors environment
- Give meaning to marks made/drawings and develop forming recognisable marks
- Show an interest in a range of books, using illustrations and story telling language to re-tell these stories, with the use of daily T4W sessions.
- Use phonics to engage children in letters and sounds, listening games, music and rhyme
Understanding the World
- Children will make new friends and become confident with new people
- Night/Day animals-children to understand the differences in the natural surrounding-habitats
Expressive Arts and Design
Throughout the year children will:
- Sing a variety of nursery rhymes and become familiar with these
- To move to music and play instruments to a variety of different songs
Self portrait using different materials
Making hedgehogs out of autumn leaves/ Clay
- Whatever Next!
- Winter/Christmas
- Trip to the moon/picnic
- Trip to the post box
Parents events
- Nursery Bonfire
- Christmas Crafts
T4W Story
- Whatever Next!
- Christmas performance
Personal, Social, Emotional Development
- Children will learn all about a range of feelings and emotions during circle time.
- Children will also learn about sharing, being put into small groups to teach and model this. (Play turn taking games)
- Big emphasis on tidy up time- use the song to encourage this.
Communication and language
Throughout the year children will:
- Learn to speak with confidence during circle/carpet times
- Learn to listen and respond appropriately with relevant comments, questions or actions
- Have opportunities to have conversations and develop vocal sound formation in doing this
- To respond to instructions and directions through adult initiated/led and child led activities
- Use appropriate story language to re-enact/re-tell simple and familiar stories
- Learn new vocabulary relating to topics
Physical Development
Throughout the year children will:
- Move confidently in a range of different ways on different levels at varying speeds during multi-skills and outdoor provision
- Build up confidence when balancing during gymnastics and outdoor provision
- To be confident when mark making, holding tools appropriately and practicing name writing throughout the whole year
- Become independent with toileting/coats/snack time
- Children to recite numbers to 10
- Children to begin to count objects
- Children to use the language of every day shapes- big/small/tall
- Children to begin to learn names of shapes during focussed activities
Throughout the year children will:
- Be provided with mark making opportunities throughout all aspects of the indoors and outdoors environment
- Give meaning to marks made/drawings and develop forming recognisable marks
- Show an interest in a range of books, using illustrations and story telling language to re-tell these stories, with the use of daily T4W sessions.
- Use phonics to engage children in letters and sounds, listening games, music and rhyme
Understanding the World
- Children to understand that we can get information from computers
- Children to talk about their own experiences and special times they have shared with their family
Expressive Arts and Design
Throughout the year children will:
- Sing a variety of nursery rhymes and become familiar with these
- To move to music and play instruments to a variety of different songs
Junk modelling to make a rocket
Christmas packs-cards/ tree decorations
- Traditional Tales
- Pipework
T4W Story
- Three Billy Goats Gruff
- 3 Little Pigs
Personal, Social, Emotional Development
- Children to understand and accept the need of others through the use of group sharing activities and listening games
Communication and language
Throughout the year children will:
- Learn to speak with confidence during circle/carpet times
- Learn to listen and respond appropriately with relevant comments, questions or actions
- Have opportunities to have conversations and develop vocal sound formation in doing this
- To respond to instructions and directions through adult initiated/led and child led activities
- Use appropriate story language to re-enact/re-tell simple and familiar stories
- Learn new vocabulary relating to topics
Physical Development
Throughout the year children will:
- Move confidently in a range of different ways on different levels at varying speeds during multi-skills and outdoor provision
- Build up confidence when balancing during gymnastics and outdoor provision
- To be confident when mark making, holding tools appropriately and practicing name writing throughout the whole year
- Become independent with toileting/coats/snack time
- To begin to recognise numbers 1-5 and practice these regularly
- Children to construct a bridge using a variety of different shapes, investigating which shapes work and which did not work
Throughout the year children will:
- Be provided with mark making opportunities throughout all aspects of the indoors and outdoors environment
- Give meaning to marks made/drawings and develop forming recognisable marks
- Show an interest in a range of books, using illustrations and story telling language to re-tell these stories, with the use of daily T4W sessions.
- Use phonics to engage children in letters and sounds, listening games, music and rhyme
Understanding the World
- Children will learn to make predictions, Floating and sinking, the water cycle and the importance of hygiene
- Children to observe growth and change through a dinosaur egg
Expressive Arts and Design
Throughout the year children will:
- Sing a variety of nursery rhymes and become familiar with these
- To move to music and play instruments to a variety of different songs
Making boats to test if they float/sink
Making a dinosaur egg
- Growing
- Minibeasts
- Planting
- Caterpillars
Parents events
- Easter Crafts
T4W Story
- The Enormous Turnip
- The very Hungry Caterpillar
Personal, Social, Emotional Development
- Children will be responsible for their own plant to look after.
- Children to talk about their achievements with their flower/plant
- Children to develop the skill of problem solving independently, when going on mini-beast hunt.
Communication and language
Throughout the year children will:
- Learn to speak with confidence during circle/carpet times
- Learn to listen and respond appropriately with relevant comments, questions or actions
- Have opportunities to have conversations and develop vocal sound formation in doing this
- To respond to instructions and directions through adult initiated/led and child led activities
- Use appropriate story language to re-enact/re-tell simple and familiar stories
- Learn new vocabulary relating to topics
Physical Development
Throughout the year children will:
- Move confidently in a range of different ways on different levels at varying speeds during multi-skills and outdoor provision
- Build up confidence when balancing during gymnastics and outdoor provision
- To be confident when mark making, holding tools appropriately and practicing name writing throughout the whole year
- Become independent with toileting/coats/snack time
- To recognise numbers 1- 5 confidently and begin to match objects to quantity.
- Children to begin to notice similarities and differences in shapes of a flower and insects.
Throughout the year children will:
- Be provided with mark making opportunities throughout all aspects of the indoors and outdoors environment
- Give meaning to marks made/drawings and develop forming recognisable marks
- Show an interest in a range of books, using illustrations and story telling language to re-tell these stories, with the use of daily T4W sessions.
- Use phonics to engage children in letters and sounds, listening games, music and rhyme
Understanding the World
- Looking at growth-what we need/ what plants needs.
- Plant seeds with parents and watch them grow.
- ICT- To use the Bee-Bot to move in directions
- Shows care and concern for the environment
Expressive Arts and Design
Throughout the year children will:
- Sing a variety of nursery rhymes and become familiar with these
- To move to music and play instruments to a variety of different songs
To make our own cress plants
Making an insect using clay
- Dinosaurs
- Colours
Parents events
- Visit to Library
T4W Story
- Harry and the bucket full of dinosaurs
- Brown bear
Personal, Social, Emotional Development
- Children to learn about safety when going out of school
- Children to recount their experiences to each other, listening and responding appropriately.
Communication and language
Throughout the year children will:
- Learn to speak with confidence during circle/carpet times
- Learn to listen and respond appropriately with relevant comments, questions or actions
- Have opportunities to have conversations and develop vocal sound formation in doing this
- To respond to instructions and directions through adult initiated/led and child led activities
- Use appropriate story language to re-enact/re-tell simple and familiar stories
- Learn new vocabulary relating to topics
Physical Development
Throughout the year children will:
- Move confidently in a range of different ways on different levels at varying speeds during multi-skills and outdoor provision
- Build up confidence when balancing during gymnastics and outdoor provision
- To be confident when mark making, holding tools appropriately and practicing name writing throughout the whole year
- Become independent with toileting/coats/snack time
- To begin to recognise numbers 6-10
- To be secure in numbers 1-5
- To recognise a circle, square, triangle, rectangle, star, heart, diamond confidently
Throughout the year children will:
- Be provided with mark making opportunities throughout all aspects of the indoors and outdoors environment
- Give meaning to marks made/drawings and develop forming recognisable marks
- Show an interest in a range of books, using illustrations and story telling language to re-tell these stories, with the use of daily T4W sessions.
- Use phonics to engage children in letters and sounds, listening games, music and rhyme
Understanding the World
- Children to talk about some of the things they have observed.
- Children to show care and concern for the animals
- Children to build their own rainbow/fairy garden and to look after their creation
Expressive Arts and Design
Throughout the year children will:
- Sing a variety of nursery rhymes and become familiar with these
- To move to music and play instruments to a variety of different songs
Can you describe the texture of the animals?
Colour mixing to make butterflies
- When I grow up…
- Oh I do like to be beside the seaside
- Visit from the police?
- Beach party
Parents events
- Sponsored Bike Ride
- Mini Olympics/Picnic
T4W Story
- The naughty bus
- Treasure map
Personal, Social, Emotional Development
- Changes- transition into Reception. Prepare children: wearing a uniform/ staying for lunch/ visit new classes/ Stay and play/ meet new teacher
- Children to share feelings about the transition, and to talk about these throughout.
Communication and language
Throughout the year children will:
- Learn to speak with confidence during circle/carpet times
- Learn to listen and respond appropriately with relevant comments, questions or actions
- Have opportunities to have conversations and develop vocal sound formation in doing this
- To respond to instructions and directions through adult initiated/led and child led activities
- Use appropriate story language to re-enact/re-tell simple and familiar stories
- Learn new vocabulary relating to topics
Physical Development
Throughout the year children will:
- Move confidently in a range of different ways on different levels at varying speeds during multi-skills and outdoor provision
- Build up confidence when balancing during gymnastics and outdoor provision
- To be confident when mark making, holding tools appropriately and practicing name writing throughout the whole year
- Become independent with toileting/coats/snack time
- To recognise numbers 1-10 confidently and match quantity of objects.
- Children to create a piece of artwork using a variety of different shapes for a purpose-picture of the seaside.
- Solve simple problems in a real life context
Throughout the year children will:
- Be provided with mark making opportunities throughout all aspects of the indoors and outdoors environment
- Give meaning to marks made/drawings and develop forming recognisable marks
- Show an interest in a range of books, using illustrations and story telling language to re-tell these stories, with the use of daily T4W sessions.
- Use phonics to engage children in letters and sounds, listening games, music and rhyme
Understanding the World
- Children will learn about different occupations, different jobs and become confident with unfamiliar people
- Children will learn about safety at the seaside and how to look after our beaches and ourselves in the sun
- Talent show- what do I want to be when I grow up?
- Making sandwiches for the picnic
Expressive Arts and Design
Throughout the year children will:
- Sing a variety of nursery rhymes and become familiar with these
- To move to music and play instruments to a variety of different songs
To make our own cress plants
Making an insect using clay