Inspection of a good school: Ingleton Primary School

Low Demesne, Ingleton, Carnforth, Lancashire LA6 3DY

Inspection dates: 29–30 January 2020


Ingleton Primary School continues to be a good school.

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive personally and socially at this school. They learn to be respectful and openminded. Pupils have lots of chances to learn beyond the classroom. Many enjoy gardening, sports and learning to prepare meals at the cookery club.

Pupils behave well throughout the school day. Trusted staff help to sort out small conflicts, so they do not escalate. Rare incidents of bullying are quickly resolved.

In the last few years, too many pupils have not made the progress in mathematics they should. An improved curriculum and teaching are helping pupils to make better progress in mathematics.

Adults motivate pupils to read. Most pupils enjoy reading. Most of the youngest children reach a good standard in reading. However, teaching does not help the few weakest readers to catch up quickly.

Pupils learn in a wide range of subjects. The physical education (PE) curriculum is well planned. Pupils learn a variety of sports and dance styles. They achieve well in PE. Progress in other subjects varies.

Pupils enjoy rich experiences in such subjects as science, history and geography. However, leaders and teachers are not always clear about exactly what pupils should learn and when. This hampers pupils’ progress in these subjects.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the last inspection, pupils’ progress and attainment in mathematics have declined. More recently, leaders have reviewed and improved the mathematics curriculum. The curriculum plans help teachers to plan effectively for mixed-age classes from early years to Year 6. Teachers give more attention to ensuring that pupils fully understand concepts before moving on to new learning. Teachers check pupils’ understanding every lesson. Teachers give pupils extra help if they need it. They help pupils learn their multiplication tables and other number facts. Pupils attempt challenging mathematical problems daily. They are now making stronger progress.

The PE curriculum helps pupils develop knowledge and skills step by step. Specialist teachers ensure that lessons help pupils build on their prior achievements. For example, I saw pupils practising indoor athletics challenges. The pupils recorded their personal best attempts. They compared their scores with those of pupils nationally. I observed other pupils enjoying Bollywood and flamenco dance moves. They remembered what they had learned and practised in previous lessons. Year 1 pupils handled hockey sticks well to begin to control the ball as they competed in teams. As well as their weekly PE lessons, pupils participate in inter-school competitions and clubs. The ‘This Girl Can’ sports club has enthused and built the confidence and skills of many girls. Pupils make strong progress in PE.

Leaders have put in place a range of activities and incentives to enthuse pupils about reading. This has paid dividends. The many pupils I asked told me about their favourite books and authors. Pupils are eager for their teachers to read to them. Most pupils each year reach the required standard in phonics by the end of Year 1. A few pupils each year get left behind. Teaching does not help these pupils to catch up quickly. Furthermore, the books teachers provide for these pupils to practise are not the most suitable. Pupils can work out most of the words, but the books do not help pupils to quickly develop fluency and confidence.

In science, history and geography, pupils experience enjoyable activities. Trips to places of interest enhance learning in these subjects. However, leaders have not planned these subjects as well as they have mathematics and PE. A few subject leaders have had limited opportunity to develop their subjects. Leaders have planned in general terms what pupils will learn. They are not specific enough about what pupils should learn, and by when. For example, in science, pupils investigate and experiment, but teachers are not always clear about the most important knowledge that pupils should remember.

Leaders ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn alongside other pupils. Pupils with SEND access a full, broad and balanced curriculum that is matched well to their needs.

Leaders have cultivated a positive, friendly atmosphere. Pupils behave well at all times of the school day. Lunchtimes are very civilised. The vast majority of parents and carers responding to the online survey, Parent View’ agree that bullying is not an issue. The number of pupils who miss school too often is too high.

Pupils learn about how to be good citizens in modern Britain. They learn to respect difference and to challenge stereotyping. Pupils are encouraged each week through homework tasks to discuss current affairs with their parents. In ‘eco week’, pupils learned about single-use plastics. Climbing the mountain, Ingleborough, is considered a rite of passage for pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have ensured that staff are well trained in their safeguarding and child protection duties. Staff know how to report concerns and to whom. They understand the potential risks to pupils in school and in the local community. Leaders report serious concerns to the local authority. They seek advice from external professionals in difficult cases. The record of checks on the suitability of adults is complete.

Pupils feel safe. They trust the adults in school. They learn how to stay safe. For example, pupils have a well-developed understanding about online safety. They undertake Bikeability training and learn about road safety.