Health and Wellbeing
Minimum of 10 lessons
Healthy Lifestyle
What helps keep bodies healthy; hygiene routines
Growing and Changing
Recognising what they are good at; setting goals. Change and loss and how it feels
Keeping Safe
Keeping safe around household products; how to ask for help if worried about something
Minimum of 10 lessons
Feelings and emotions
Recognising feelings in self and others; sharing feelings
Healthy Relationships
Secrets and keeping safe; special people in their lives
Valuing difference
Respecting similarities and differences in others; sharing views and ideas
Living in the Wider World
Minimum of 10 lessons
Rights and Responsibilities
Group and class rules; everybody is unique in some ways and the same in others
Looking after the local environment (CROSS YEAR-GROUP PROJECT WITH YEAR 2)
Where money comes from; how to use money – saving and spending money
Health and Wellbeing
Minimum of 10 lessons
Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy choices; different feeling; managing feelings
Growing and Changing
Recognising what they are good at; setting goals. Growing; changing and being more independent; correct names for body parts (including external genitalia)
Keeping Safe
Keeping safe in different situations; how to ask for help if they are worried about something; privacy in different contexts
Minimum of 10 lessons
Feelings and emotions
Behaviour; bodies and feelings can be hurt
Healthy Relationships
Listening to others and playing cooperatively; appropriate and inappropriate touch; teasing and bullying
Valuing difference
Respecting similarities and differences in others; sharing views and ideas
Living in the Wider World
Minimum of 10 lessons
Rights and Responsibilities
Group and class rules; respecting their own and others’ needs; groups and communities they belong to; people who work in the community; getting help in emergency
Looking after the local environment (CROSS YEAR-GROUP PROJECT WITH YEAR 1)
Where money comes from; saving and spending money; making choices; keeping track of money spent/saved
Health and Wellbeing
Minimum of 10 lessons
Healthy Lifestyle
What makes a balanced diet; opportunities for making own choices with food; what influences their food choices; habits
Growing and Changing
Recognising what they are good at; setting goals. Describing feelings; conflicting feelings and how to manage feelings
Keeping Safe
School rules on health and safety; basic emergency aid; people who help them stay healthy and safe
Minimum of 10 lessons
Feelings and emotions
Recognising feelings in others; responding to how others are feeling
Healthy Relationships
Positive; healthy relationships and friendships; maintaining friendship; actions affect ourselves and others; working collaboratively
Valuing difference
Recognising and responding to bullying
Living in the Wider World
Minimum of 10 lessons
Rights and Responsibilities
Discuss and debate health and wellbeing issues. Being a part of the community and who works in the community
Responsibilities; right and duties
Enterprise; what it means; developing skills in enterprise (CROSS YEAR-GROUP PROJECT WITH YEAR 6)
Health and Wellbeing
Minimum of 10 lessons
Healthy Lifestyle
What makes a balanced lifestyle and making choices; drugs common to everyday life; hygiene and germs
Growing and Changing
Recognising what they are good at; setting goals. Changes at puberty. Changes that happen in life and feelings associated with change
Keeping Safe
How to keep safe in local area and online; people who help them stay healthy and safe
Minimum of 10 lessons
Feelings and emotions
Keeping something confidential or secret; when to break a confidence; recognise and manage dares
Healthy Relationships
Acceptable and unacceptable physical contact; solving disputes and conflicts amongst peers
Valuing difference
Listen and respond effectively to people; share points of view
Living in the Wider World
Minimum of 10 lessons
Rights and Responsibilities
Discuss and debate health and wellbeing issues. Appreciating difference and diversity in the UK and around the world
Sustainability of the environment across the world
Role of money; managing money (saving and budgeting); what is meant by interest and loan
Health and Wellbeing
Minimum of 10 lessons
Healthy Lifestyle
What positively and negatively affects health and wellbeing; making informed choices; benefits of a balanced diet; different influences on food; skills to make choices
Growing and Changing
Recognising what they are good at; setting goals. aspirations. Intensity of feelings; managing complex feelings. Coping with change and transition; bereavement and grief
Keeping Safe
Strategies for managing personal safety in the local environment; online safety; including sharing images; mobile phone safety
Minimum of 10 lessons
Feelings and emotions
Responding to feelings in others
Healthy Relationships
Actions have consequences of actions; working collaboratively; negotiation and compromise; giving feedback
Valuing difference
Listening to others; raise concerns and challenge
Living in the Wider World
Minimum of 10 lessons
Rights and Responsibilities
Discuss and debate health and wellbeing issues. Rules and laws; changing rules and laws; anti-social behaviour; respecting and resolving differences
Different rights; responsibilities and duties
Importance of finance in people’s lives; being a critical consumer; looking after money; interest; loan; debt management of money; tax
Health and Wellbeing
Minimum of 10 lessons
Healthy Lifestyle
Images in the media and reality; how this can affect how people feel; risks and effects of drugs
Growing and Changing
Recognising what they are good at; setting goals. aspirations. Changes at puberty (recap Y4); human reproduction; roles and responsibilities of parents
Keeping Safe
Independence; increased responsibility; keeping safe; influences on behaviour; resisting pressure; rights to protect their body and speaking out (including against FGM); who is responsible for their health and safety; where to get help and advice
Minimum of 10 lessons
Feelings and emotions
Confidentiality and when to break a confidence; managing dares
Healthy Relationships
Different types of relationships; positive and healthy relationships; maintaining relationships; recognising when relationship is unhealthy (including forced marriage); committed; loving relationships; marriage. Acceptable and unacceptable physical touch; personal boundaries and right to privacy
Valuing difference
Listening to others; raise concerns and challenge. What makes people the same or different; recognising and challenging stereotypes; discrimination and bullying
Living in the Wider World
Minimum of 10 lessons
Rights and Responsibilities
Discuss and debate health and wellbeing issues. Human rights; the rights of child; cultural practices and British law. Being part of a community; groups that support communities. Being critical of what is in the media and what they forward to others
How resources are allocated; effects of this on individuals; communities and environment
Enterprise; setting up an enterprise (CROSS YEAR-GROUP PROJECT WITH YEAR 3)