Minutes of the Full Governing Body of Ingleton Primary School

held on Wednesday, September 30th 2020 at 7.30pm by Zoom

Core functions:
• Setting strategic direction
• Holding Headteacher to account for educational performance
• Ensuring financial health, probity and value for money

Present: David Alexander (DA), Vikki Bromley (VB), Joanna Colledge Headteacher (JC), Katie Harrison Vice Chair (KH), Michelle Hartnell (MH) Rowan Knapton (RK), Jenny Thistlethwaite Chair (JT), Jane Walker (JCW), Jenny Ward (JWd).

In attendance: Barry Heslop (BH) Clerk.

No. Item Minute Action
1 Welcome and Introductions. The Chair welcomed all to the meeting and especially two new Governors, Vikki Bromley (Staff) and Michelle Hartnell (Co-opted) who was the previous School Administrator
2 Apologies for absence and to determine whether any absences should be consented to. There were no absences.
3 Election of Chair & Vice Chair Chair; Jenny Thistlethwaite was proposed by KH, seconded by JWd and unanimously agreed by all Governors.

Vice Chair; Katie Harrison was proposed by JWd., seconded by JC and unanimously agreed by all Governors.

4 Need to declare interest, pecuniary or non-pecuniary business and personal Interests (agenda items 4,5 & 6). Governors were reminded to declare any business or personal interests. All Governors were requested to complete the registers of ‘Business & Personal Interests’ plus ‘Gifts & Hospitality’ and return to the Clerk as an attachment to an email. All Governors
5 To determine whether any part of the proceedings should be treated as confidential and excluded from the minutes to be made available for public inspection. None were proposed.
6 Notification of urgent other business previously notified to the Chair. Approval of School Fund and Headteachers Performance Management Committee to be included.
7 Standing Orders Document agreed by all Governors.
8 Code of Conduct Document agreed by all Governors including the part relating to school staff.
9 Committees The following Governors are appointed to the relevant Committees:

School Improvement; KH, VB, JWd, RK, JC.
Resources; MH, JCW, DA, JC.
Pupil Discipline; RK, JCW, MH, JC.
School Complaints; KH, RK, DA, JT, JC.
Staff Discipline; JWd, JCW, DA, JC.
Staff Appeals; MH, KH, RK.
Headteacher Performance Management; JT, KH, RK.

10 Scheme of Delegation to the Headteacher This is confirmed within the Budget Policy and agreed by all
11 To appoint Governors with specific responsibilities and Link Governors The following Governors are appointed to the relevant areas:
Early Years; VB.
Special Educational Needs; RK.
Pupil Premium; MH.
Health & Safety; JCW.
Information Technology; DA.
Data Protection; JT.
School Trips; JWd.
Safeguarding KH.

The following Governors are appointed to the relevant Classes:
Wharfedale; JT
Dentdale; JWd.
Barbondale; DA.
Kingsdale; KH.
Swaledale; RK.
Wensleydale; MH.
Nursery; JCW.

12 Timetable for Governor Visits Due to restrictions, personal visits are not encouraged currently. JC to discuss with Staff how best to proceed this term and feedback to Governors. JC
13 To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on July 8th 2020. The approval of the minutes of the FGB Meeting held on July 8th 2020 was proposed by JWd, seconded by JC and approved unanimously by all Governors.
14 Matters arising from the minutes of July 8th 2020. None arising except ‘Finance Update’ which is included in the Budget Monitoring Report issued to Governors.
15  Resources committee Previous meetings minutes were made available to Governors. This topic will be also be covered in the Headteacher report in point 16 below.

The latest Budget Monitoring provided to Governors shows the projected deficit reducing from £14.1k to £13.9k which is an encouraging trend expected to reduce further. Toni Birch, the new Bursar, has been appointed.

Due to the appointment of Becky Dixon as the new School Administrator, the Headteacher must ensure that the appropriate signatories for banking purposes are changed. Mrs Michelle Hartnell is to be removed as a signatory and Mrs Rebecca Dixon is to be added as a signatory.’

16 Report from the Headteacher The Headteacher previously issued a written report to all Governors on September 28th 2020 and gave an update on the following staffing items:

Rachel Robinson, who is a maternity cover, is now herself expecting a baby, by the time Rachel will finish working, Hannah Burnett may have returned from maternity leave, if not a temporary solution will be sought.

Nikki Wilkinson part time TA will leave at the end of this half term, Sam Mattinson will cover until permanent solution can be arranged.

Q. Has IPS taken up an offer from Settle College Senco coordinator for assistance with current Y6 pupils?
A. This offer email was missed, JC to contact Settle College to take up the matter further.

Q. Does the school know there is a feedback tool which may assist when requesting Governors to read the KCSIE policy?
A. JC welcomed this and RK will forward the link to JC.

Q. A recent sponsored walk was undertaken by pupils to raise money for laptops. Would it have been prudent to ask for gift aid returns from those sponsors?
A. JC replied that the sponsored walk was spur of the moment and that any future requests for sponsorships will include request for gift aid.

Q. Is there information being missed due to current restrictions of zero contact between Parents/Carers and Teachers, except Nursery, when dropping off their children at school on a morning?
A. JC confirmed that there is contact between Parents/Carers and Teachers at end of day but that due to current restrictions and avoiding people congestion, morning drop-off procedure will have to be maintained.

Q. How are Staff coping since commencement of the new school year and current restrictions?
A. Staff are performing well however it is a difficult working environment and staff are missing the social interaction. Support is provided by senior teaching staff and all staff are aware that their Unions can also provide some support.

Q. How are Pupils reacting to be back in school?
A. Pupils are loving being back in school again and thriving on the interaction within their class ‘bubble’.




17 Governor Training  A link to NYCC Governor training was sent to all Governors on September 21st 2020. Clerk to investigate and send out any other available, suitable training opportunities BH
18 Policy Reviews Becky, School Administrator, to place onto the Shared Drive all updated policies for Governors to view. JC
19 Communication to Parents/Carers Due to current restrictions and little face-to-face contact, the Headteacher to ensure that Teachers send out a weekly ‘round-up’ email to Parents/Carers. JC
20 School Fund Approval of the School Fund was agreed unanimously by all Governors.
21 Meeting Facility Due to restrictions, virtual meetings will continue for some time, a review is required in order to seek an improved online system for holding meetings. JT to discuss with DA and BH. JT
22 How has this meeting impacted on the welfare and progress of our pupils? This meeting has provided an excellent framework for probity, safeguarding of Pupils, Parents/Carers and Staff, and created an excellent place for Pupil learning, not only for the immediate return to school but also for the terms ahead.

All Governors expressed their sincere thanks to the Headteacher and all School Staff for their hard work and commitment in providing excellent learning for all pupils.

23 Dates of next meetings. The date of the next FGB meeting will be on Wednesday February 3rd 2020 at 7:30 PM by Zoom.
Closure The meeting was closed at 9:11 PM.